
#pokemonmastersex Trends As People Do Not Talk About "Pokémon Masters Ex"

collection of #pokemonmastersex hashtag jokes
collection of #pokemonmastersex hashtag jokes

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

Pokemon Masters EX, the Pokémon mobile game in which players can team up with various gym leaders from across the series in the Pasio region, is holding a Twitter campaign in which it encourages fans to vote on which eligible sync pair will get 6★ EX unlocked.

This will likely mean nothing to you if you don't play the game, and for the majority of Twitter users, it was unimportant. What really mattered was the hashtag encouraged by the Pokémon Masters Twitter account: #PokémonMastersEX. Users needed to include that hashtag and a hashtag of a sync pair they wanted to see upgraded to have their vote counted in the poll. Of course, capitalization in hashtags is not universal, and who has time to hit the shift key, anyway? Thus, #PokemonMastersEx became #pokemonmastersex, which to basically everyone, reads "#PokemonMasterSex."

Pokémon Masters inadvertently gave Pokémon fans the green light to be extremely horny on main, and while Pokémon fans, in general, don't really need an excuse to post horny Pokémon content, they embraced the misunderstanding wholeheartedly.

While the onslaught of Pokémon hornyposting was almost certainly an unintended consequence of the hashtag campaign, perhaps it's in the game's favor. As founder Joe Merrick opined, the game has improved since its release was met with a lukewarm reception, and this might just be the thing the game needs to get back on peoples' radar.

Tags: pokemon masters ex, pokemon, name puns,

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