Modern life can be tough but the subreddit /r/PrehistoricMemes is a safe haven for memes about a simpler time before the Industrial Revolution and civilization itself. Enjoy these 20 memes about dinosaurs and discovering fire. If a caveman could read, he would probably find these funny.
Normal Memes? What's That?
(Source: Reddit)
Thanks Prehistoric Chefs
(Source: Reddit)
Your Cousin Was Delicious
(Source: Reddit)
God I Wish This Were Me
(Source: Reddit)
Anaerobic Gang Rise Up
(Source: Reddit)
Nice One Pangea
(Source: Reddit)
Horseshoe Crabs Won
(Source: Reddit)
Plants On Land? Say Yes
(Source: Reddit)
Arthropod Superiority
(Source: Reddit)
Sloths Be Like
(Source: Reddit)
Grug Make Smart
(Source: Reddit)
Saddest Paleomeme
(Source: Reddit)
F In the Chat for Mammoths
(Source: Reddit)
Important PSA
(Source: Reddit)
Mosauritme Now
(Source: Reddit)
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