
Reject Modernity And Embrace These 17 Prehistoric Memes

cavemen prehistoric meme tiktaalik modern life evolution reject modernity embrace tradition
cavemen prehistoric meme tiktaalik modern life evolution reject modernity embrace tradition

Published March 03, 2021

Published March 03, 2021

Modern life can be tough but the subreddit /r/PrehistoricMemes is a safe haven for memes about a simpler time before the Industrial Revolution and civilization itself. Enjoy these 20 memes about dinosaurs and discovering fire. If a caveman could read, he would probably find these funny.

Normal Memes? What's That?

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks Prehistoric Chefs

(Source: Reddit)

Uh Oh

(Source: Reddit)

Your Cousin Was Delicious

(Source: Reddit)

God I Wish This Were Me

(Source: Reddit)

Anaerobic Gang Rise Up

(Source: Reddit)

Nice One Pangea

(Source: Reddit)

Horseshoe Crabs Won

(Source: Reddit)

Plants On Land? Say Yes

(Source: Reddit)

Arthropod Superiority

(Source: Reddit)

Sloths Be Like

(Source: Reddit)

Grug Make Smart

(Source: Reddit)

Saddest Paleomeme

(Source: Reddit)

F In the Chat for Mammoths

(Source: Reddit)

Important PSA

(Source: Reddit)

"Oh Neat"

(Source: Reddit)

Mosauritme Now

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: tiktaalik, prehistoric, reject modernity embrace tradition, return to monke, evolution, science, memes, collections, reject, embrace,

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