
You Can Visit These 10 Places Where Famous Memes Were Made

Two meme location meme facts in the following collection.
Two meme location meme facts in the following collection.

Published August 19, 2022

Published August 19, 2022

Some memes revolve around some very real places. Though many memes seem like they come from mythical origins, they're often so real and tangible that we could visit them ourselves. In fact, you really can visit most of the locations on this list. Many of them are easily accessible to the public and sometimes even have addresses available. Some are even roadside attractions. Others are kept more under wraps, and sometimes staunchly defended by an angry homeowner. But each one of these locations is truly unique and influential in its own way.

If you're ever in one of these areas and want to see a piece of meme history, we suggest you stop by one of these places, as long as it's not occupied by the owner of the Breaking Bad House. But even if you never manage to visit these locations, we've compiled some fun facts about them to show you why they became so unexpectedly influential. Here are 10 of the most memorable meme locations out there.

The Josh Fight Arena

"Gangnam Style's" Locations in Seoul

The Black and Pink Houses

"This Pleases the Nut" Statue

Breezewood, PA


Joker Stairs

Area 51

The 'Breaking Bad' House

You Know I Had to Do It To Em

Tags: meme facts, meme locations, josh fight, gangnam style, groverhaus, area 51, black and pink houses, joker stairs, joker, breezewood pennsylvania, breaking bad, breaking bad house, you know i had to do it to em, collections,