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Lana Del Rey Comes Out Against Furries

Lana Del Rey Comes Out Against Furries
Lana Del Rey Comes Out Against Furries

Published September 09, 2019

Published September 09, 2019

September 3rd, 2019: a date which will live in infamy--the Furry was suddenly and deliberately attacked by pop star Lana Del Rey.

During an Instagram live stream, a user noticed the Norman Fucking Rockwell! singer had a pony from My Little Pony behind her and declared, "Lana is a furry!" She replied "I'm not a furry," before mercilessly adding, "you guys are gross."

This devastating attack on the furry community did not go unnoticed, as the Furry army planned its retaliation, defending its community and tearing down Del Rey's talent.

Meanwhile, others rallied behind Del Rey's cause, using the soundbyte as a rallying cry against the Furries.

Others tweeted this clip which I had to see with my own two eyes and now you do too:

As of now, there is no official death count in the Lana Del Rey vs. Furries war. Nevertheless, multiple news publications are following the story, so rest assured the media will stay abreast of this hairy situation.

Tags: furries, lana del rey, twitter, gross, reactions,

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