
See The Winner Of May 2021's Meme Of The Month!

May 2021 Meme Of The Month.
May 2021 Meme Of The Month.

Published June 11, 2021

Published June 11, 2021

And the meme of May 2021 goes to . . .

It doesn't take a lot of thinking to understand why Think, Mark has taken first place as May's meme of the month, with a whopping 59% of the total votes. Think, Mark is an exploitable redraw format based on the mega-popular Amazon Prime animated series Invincible. The format blew up in May as memers changed the context of the climactic fight between Omni-Man and his son Mark in every way imaginable, going as far as redrawing it with entirely new characters. Think, Mark's popularity makes it not just the best meme of May, but a strong contender for meme of the year so far. Congratulations, Think, Mark!

Haha Jonathan

Laughing into second place is Haha Jonathan with 13% of the total votes. This decidedly bizarre shitpost format is based on an image of Dracula from the Hotel Transylvania series captioned as saying, "Haha Jonathan, You Are Banging My Daughter." The image is worked into multi-panel memes and webcomics, often slapped onto the last panel to confuse readers. It's a classic shitpost format that defies most explanation, but it works, making it the only format that could hold a candle to "Think, Mark."

Shuba Duck

Shuba Duck waddles into a tie for second with 13% of the total votes. This adorable duck is a representation of Hololive VTuber Oozora Subaru, who is often likened to a duck by her fans. A GIF of the duck dancing alongside Subaru went viral on Reddit in May, resulting in tons of memes and leading countless Redditors down the Hololive rabbit hole for the first time. Whether you're a VTuber fan or not, this adorable duck likely found a place in your heart, giving it an honorable second-place tie.

Cringe Gaming Intros

Cringe Gaming Intros land in third place with 6% of the total votes. Last month, memers began making parody gaming channel intros using popular ironic meme phrases in place of channel names, resulting in hundreds of variations in a short few weeks. The format is easy to make but hilarious in execution, making it one of the more understandably viral formats of May.

Nobody Wants To Work Anymore

Coming in fourth is Nobody Wants To Work Anymore with 5% of the total votes. In May, a number of signs started appearing on various businesses announcing that they were short-staffed due to people not wanting to work anymore as a result of COVID-19. This led to a lot of mockery online, mainly targeted towards the businesses, who were blamed for their assumedly poor working conditions and low pay. Word on the street says people still don't really want to work anymore, although the signs have noticeably slowed down.

Pedro Pascal Laughing Then Crying

Pedro Pascal Laughing Then Crying transitions from laughter to tears as it lands in fifth place, with 4% of the total votes. This reaction video, taken from a 2020 reading of the play "I, My Ruination" by Mandalorian actor Pedro Pascal, took off on TikTok in May as the ultimate reaction to sad content. Set to Beach House's "Space Song," the video perfectly captures the extremes of both happiness and sadness in a moment, not only showing off Pascal's acting chops but making for perfect meme material.

Tags: motm may, think mark, invincible, hololive, vtubers, subaru, shuba, cringe gaming, gaming, haha jonathan, hotel transylvania, covid memes, nobody wants to work, pedro pascal crying, amazon, pedro pascal, mandalorian, meme of the month, may 2021,

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