
The Best of Deku Playing with His Mom

The Best of Deku Playing with His Mom
The Best of Deku Playing with His Mom

Published July 05, 2018

Published July 05, 2018

The 50th episode of My Hero Academia featured one of the cutest dang scenes in anime. In the scene, we see the mother of the series' protagonist Izuku Midoriya (aka Deku) playing make-believe with the boy, pretending to be in danger and causing him to burst out shouting "I am here!" Look at this and tell me it's not heartwarming:

After the episode aired, the scene became an instant exploitable among anime fans. Generally fans kept up with the wholesome tone of the scene, making the Deku Playing With His Mom one of the nicest memes of the summer. Here are some of our favorites:

Let's Just Get the Loss Edit Out of the Way

(Source: 9gag)

Send Help

(Source: Reddit)

Damn Rorschach

(Source: KnowYourMeme)

An Unforgettable Rescue

(Source: KnowYourMeme)

A Shining Example of Heroism

Everyone Is Here

(Source: Twitter)

This… Doesn't Quite Fit

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: KnowYourMeme)

A Good GIF

(Source: KnowYourMeme)

I'm Gonna Kick Deku In the Ribs

(Source: Reddit)

Sneaky Tom

(Source: Reddit)

Team Fortress

Tags: deku playing with his mom, my hero academia,

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