Character Archetype
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Deadpooled due to being essentially a clone of All Right, Gentlemen
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When It actually appeared
![1306776565429.png All riaht, gentHle men! we need a New character archetype!](
Not much is known about this Image macro, as it only first appeared 05/30/11 13:29 on /a/. Seemingly it represents a workforce that requires new people, but the new people 'character archetypes' conflict with with either their looks or something else…
Notable examples
![1306776986514.png All riaht, genHle men! we need a New character archetype! A cute girl do cute things](
![1306777437105.png All riaht, gentHle men! we need a New character archetype! に a Yandere a Yandere MILF](
![1306779569014.jpg All riaht, gentHle men! we need a New character archetype! Au erhange student に wlho is uot relevant to the plot at all](
![1306779779723.jpg All naht, gentlemen! we need a New character archetype! An action girl with large boobs and lots of fanservice seenes An action girl with large bools and lots of fanserwice seenes who gets breat caucer](
![1306779546896.jpg All riaht, qenHle men! we need a New character archetype! A manly, muscled badass who kicks ass and takes names .and he talks with a cute lisp.](
![1306778794967.png All naht, gentlemen! we need a New character archetype! A mysterious amnesiac girl with a pendant Who has no magic powers and is completely normal in every way](
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