Note to #Democrats, before you preach about how we shouldn’t #condemn or ridicule a 16 year old chil...

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
Jack Morrissey Tweet

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
Donald Trump's tweet about The Washington Post lawsuit

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
Face Crime

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
evil within

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
"Smile!" by StoneToss

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
"A Handy Guide To Facial Expressions"

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
Makes you think

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
Facecrime 1984

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
He's just standing there, menacingly!

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
Danny Devito Dislikes Kid's Smug Aura

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
4chan anon on the smirking kid

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
Does he bite?

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
That damned smile

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
Datnofact tweet

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
everyone is mad. this is great

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
Table turning

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
Sumo chant

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists
Donald Trump tweet

Covington High School Students' Confrontation With Native American Activists