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>looks at image, uploader and bottom message

This is it, ladies and gentlemen. We have reached the point where we witnessed a classical verbose left-wing meme image defending a MAGA hatter and demonizing mainstream media, and the worst part, justifiably so, too. We are officially in The Twilight Zone now.

Bob das uber Sexy Fish
Bob das uber Sexy Fish

I think it is called the Trump bump, the fact that the kids wore Maga hats, and the Native American guy lied saying he was a Vietnam vet, and lied again saying the kids went to him to harass him, created a very juicy story for the new media to roll with.

The average person is not so likely to share a story about pipeline protesters, because there is a lot more room for discussion on whether or not the pipeline is a good thing or not, and or the issue of there being many known occasions where protesters for a movement (it is at most times a very small number of them) ended up harassing police to get the officers to retaliate in order to gain sympathy from the public, so basically it is more of a potentially gray issue topic when compared to the narrative the Media was sold about the Maga kids, and not only did the narrative already have a clear bad guy, but the kids are wearing Maga hats, and so they can get more people to check out the story because the can get Trump haters to spread it, because they hate Trump and his supporters, and Trump supporters will spread it because either they buy the narrative and will tell other member they need to condemn this or they will not buy the narrative and spread the news story around telling people the media is lying again.


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