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This entire comment section is only reminding me that this site and its users are getting more political with every passing month, me included. Despite the fact that people complain about the political stuff getting frontpaged and whatnot, we get involved in the comment sections regarding those articles often.

Monster Kid
Monster Kid

I'm more upset that people have no way to refute her argument so they try to go for her, Ad hominem. Fuck that. I'm so fucking sick of that shit, and I'm rather sick of people acting like she hasn't pointed out that she shouldn't even be here trying to shame people into acting but feels she has to in order to get ANYTHING done. She wants action and not praise and the like. I'll admit people went really hard on the poor kid, and I don't condone all the conclusion jumping people did to justify themselves or the actions in the first place. But uh… I really don't fucking know what he was standing for that people were trying to ignore by attacking him, so I'm not really sure this is a real equivalency.


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