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Haters To The Left
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Haters To The Left

Haters To The Left

Haters To The Left

Haters To The Left

Haters To The Left

Haters To The Left

Haters To The Left

Haters To The Left

Haters To The Left

Haters To The Left

Haters To The Left

Haters To The Left
![Home> Education & Reference> Words & Wordplay> Resolved Question Resolved Question What does "haters to the left" mean? 1 year ago Show me another 》 Twiggi Report Abuse Best Answer - Chosen by Voters It comes from Beyonce's song, "To the left, to the left...." meaning "get outta here!") 1 year ago 67% 2V otes Report Abuse Is this what you are searching for? ☆ Interesting!▼ ] Email G) Comment (0) + Save Other Answers (2) Show: All Answers This term derives its original meaning from the American Revolution. The colonists in America were much opposed to the severe penalties forced upon them by the English Men were often whipped for not having their wigs covered in a minimum of two layers of powder, and women were whipped for not having at least six children by the age of thirty (two of which were always eligible for foster care) So much damage was done that by the time Alexander Hamilton was born (1753) every member of the English Navy was said to have "continuously bleeding" hands from handling so many whips. This Alexander Hamilton was of the aristocracy, being born to a wealthy set of parents, and he was well sheltered for a majority of his life One afternoon, while taking his dog Skippio on a daily stroll, he witnessed the atrocities of the English on a poor woman. This enraged him so much that he ran over and shielded the woman with the body. The soldiers attempted to stop as soon as they recognized him as a member of the high class, but that was after his hand had already been mutilated by the whip full of large shards of glass. Of course, he challenged both men to duels and won. This whippipng incident is why so many portraits of him show him hiding his arm in his jacket, to conceal his "little hand". He vowed from then on to kill every During the next year, he secretly signed the Declaration of Independence and formed the first army to include snipers. He put countless hours into the forming of this nevw style of fighting, and his efforts were well-rewarded On the first night of battle, April 19, 1775, Hamilton gave his men one last speech before their sneak attack Jon A Englishman that came his way This, my brothers, is a heightened sense of things. The seaborn breeze, coolly kissing the sweat at my chest and neck. Gulls cawing, complaining, even as they feast on the thousands of floating dead. The steady breathing of the 300 at my back, ready to die for their country without a moment's pause. Everyone of you ready, to die So tonight let us defeat the evil that attacks us! From our left across the sea these men whip our woman and children, but tonight, we slaughter those "Haters to the Left"T Without a moments pause, Alexanders elephants crossed the final stretch of the Appalachian Mountains, and the snipers took their positions. The British were totally caught off-guard. The majority were unarmed aside from their whips which were always fastened to their belts. As the snipers volleyed chunks of lead at the foot-soldiers, the war elephants stampeded toward enemy cannons and provided safe warning as to where the mines on the battlefield were. General Pearwallis forced his men to retreat only to find the vast ocean full of the American Navy behind them. The attack was so severe for the entire British forces, that Pearwallis surrendered that very evening, but to a general other than Hamilton because of his oath to kill Alexander Hamilton's expert military prowess was so revolutionary and phenomenal that he was post-humously dubbed "Alexander the Great His role in American history is unforgettable, and his term for the English as "Haters to the Left" will be Source(s) I met his brother every Englishman he saw remembered in our hearts and minds fo 1 year ago 33% 1 Vote 5 1 Report Abuse Yahoolaughs.com](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/127/152/always_be_hatin.png)
![Home> Education & Reference> Words & Wordplay> Resolved Question Resolved Question What does "haters to the left" mean? 1 year ago Show me another 》 Twiggi Report Abuse Best Answer - Chosen by Voters It comes from Beyonce's song, "To the left, to the left...." meaning "get outta here!") 1 year ago 67% 2V otes Report Abuse Is this what you are searching for? ☆ Interesting!▼ ] Email G) Comment (0) + Save Other Answers (2) Show: All Answers This term derives its original meaning from the American Revolution. The colonists in America were much opposed to the severe penalties forced upon them by the English Men were often whipped for not having their wigs covered in a minimum of two layers of powder, and women were whipped for not having at least six children by the age of thirty (two of which were always eligible for foster care) So much damage was done that by the time Alexander Hamilton was born (1753) every member of the English Navy was said to have "continuously bleeding" hands from handling so many whips. This Alexander Hamilton was of the aristocracy, being born to a wealthy set of parents, and he was well sheltered for a majority of his life One afternoon, while taking his dog Skippio on a daily stroll, he witnessed the atrocities of the English on a poor woman. This enraged him so much that he ran over and shielded the woman with the body. The soldiers attempted to stop as soon as they recognized him as a member of the high class, but that was after his hand had already been mutilated by the whip full of large shards of glass. Of course, he challenged both men to duels and won. This whippipng incident is why so many portraits of him show him hiding his arm in his jacket, to conceal his "little hand". He vowed from then on to kill every During the next year, he secretly signed the Declaration of Independence and formed the first army to include snipers. He put countless hours into the forming of this nevw style of fighting, and his efforts were well-rewarded On the first night of battle, April 19, 1775, Hamilton gave his men one last speech before their sneak attack Jon A Englishman that came his way This, my brothers, is a heightened sense of things. The seaborn breeze, coolly kissing the sweat at my chest and neck. Gulls cawing, complaining, even as they feast on the thousands of floating dead. The steady breathing of the 300 at my back, ready to die for their country without a moment's pause. Everyone of you ready, to die So tonight let us defeat the evil that attacks us! From our left across the sea these men whip our woman and children, but tonight, we slaughter those "Haters to the Left"T Without a moments pause, Alexanders elephants crossed the final stretch of the Appalachian Mountains, and the snipers took their positions. The British were totally caught off-guard. The majority were unarmed aside from their whips which were always fastened to their belts. As the snipers volleyed chunks of lead at the foot-soldiers, the war elephants stampeded toward enemy cannons and provided safe warning as to where the mines on the battlefield were. General Pearwallis forced his men to retreat only to find the vast ocean full of the American Navy behind them. The attack was so severe for the entire British forces, that Pearwallis surrendered that very evening, but to a general other than Hamilton because of his oath to kill Alexander Hamilton's expert military prowess was so revolutionary and phenomenal that he was post-humously dubbed "Alexander the Great His role in American history is unforgettable, and his term for the English as "Haters to the Left" will be Source(s) I met his brother every Englishman he saw remembered in our hearts and minds fo 1 year ago 33% 1 Vote 5 1 Report Abuse Yahoolaughs.com](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/127/152/always_be_hatin.png)
Haters To The Left

Haters To The Left

Haters To The Left