Mildly Interesting - Images
Building with a built-in ferris wheel
Mildly Interesting
The size of these tires
Mildly Interesting
Pews with QR codes for apple pay
Mildly Interesting
Airpods and Stanley for babies
Mildly Interesting
This mower being honoured
Mildly Interesting
Lemon tree produces mutated lemons
Mildly Interesting
Bar ceiling covered in money
Mildly Interesting
Car got cheesed
Mildly Interesting
Uber driver labeled his Tesla handles
Mildly Interesting
Uneven distribution of Jolly Ranchers
Mildly Interesting
A house on this building
Mildly Interesting
The result of putting eggshells down the disposal
Mildly Interesting
No calorie information on this popcorn
Mildly Interesting
Only the women's gummies have a child lock
Mildly Interesting
These tomatoes sprouted internally
Mildly Interesting
In the bathroom of a gaming store
Mildly Interesting
OP dug up an iPad in the yard
Mildly Interesting
These sunglasses make a pattern
Mildly Interesting
This orange cloud in the sky
Mildly Interesting
Generic Ibuprofen had branded inside
Mildly Interesting