Misandry - Images

But misandry totally don't real, guise!

"Jesus christ, can't we all just get along?!"

Women wheren't made to take care of children

Feminism in action

Woman love for violence explained
![So you hate women for what is basicaly nature in motion? Fle: Monk ing (307 KB. 1016665) I hate thar argument, I hane that agument so much and I ill tell you him to move, to roll over, to stand up, to yel and scream for help to do something People say tht ike #roLo and#8WAG or Its just mature Why are you mas people like sex? Shop being a taggut anon lt feeis good so why not do t? Does not buming to death leel beter han burming to death?I wold say yes it does Just because something is in your nature, lust because 5retrg ispot of your instretsNast because eets goor doesn't meen you shoud do The soman empire fell due to women they caused ts colapse Augustus one of romes greatest leaders knew this about women and considered unnestreined temale seualiny a threat to the state oControl of female sesuainy was regarded酪necessary for the statily of he state. as enoded most eer spicuous y in the absoue vignty ofthe vesas[278] A estai uhú vielated her vow was enambed alive ia ftual fat mmesed sone aspects of a Ronan funeral her lover was esecuted|27이 Ferale sexuality einer If semale seauality runs wid do you know who they go for? Norway's mass murderer Anders Behring Brew gets undreds of love letters a year …·-·-·--. @gr8shay He can r--- me, idm @ImNotTwitFamous: He coulda r--- someone but y'all would bail him out pic.twitter.com/YA40TCtVqi" summa @summer parsons @ImNotTwitFamous ITS IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO R--- BECAUSE ANYONE WOULD LOVE IT lil baby @tittygap @ImNotTwitFamous i would pay him to r--- me 40s Reply to 123 23505048 These men, psychopsths and ruthless kers. Barbarians and savages. These sre the men who get temale c---- sonked. This is who they pick I hate women because if they ave set free they will ruin this world and send us beack to the jungle. 46 No 236570962238723 File 1444 Here is some proof for you James homes the idiot thought he was barman Look at these attractive women who adore him and sand him pictures of themselves in hopes theyiil have his aipha kBer semen sent to them in of prison Is some glediators were considered the peak of male atractiness women adored and tawned over the violent murderous gids You think hey f------ want your? You hink they want the other f------ osers on this site, you weak pencil necked f------ cowards you think you get women homy? You think they pat wet over your whose more attractive a malie mode? Or the f------ manac who stabs a hoke in his stomach and f---- befoe giving him a sed c-- facial why 하 you tink muscles are atractive? A man with larger stronger muscles can rtet more par, and anage and violence onto anoter hunan berg its an ndicator of how goed they ave at kiing others. Some skinny itie s--- or sone fat neckbeard cant do thet They want murdesers, they want pangsers, they want thugs hey wast psythopathic killers Chillisation cent eist if women get what they want. You wat tre local gangster preducing more kids who will just end up e him? How do you expect society to SHOCKING PHOTOS FROM INSIDE THE AURORA MOVIE THEATER CRIME SCENE AND SHOOTER'S HOME JAMES HOLMES CELL to has been seetenced to lfe inprison whout parole, decorated his cellu](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/162/303/795.jpg)
![So you hate women for what is basicaly nature in motion? Fle: Monk ing (307 KB. 1016665) I hate thar argument, I hane that agument so much and I ill tell you him to move, to roll over, to stand up, to yel and scream for help to do something People say tht ike #roLo and#8WAG or Its just mature Why are you mas people like sex? Shop being a taggut anon lt feeis good so why not do t? Does not buming to death leel beter han burming to death?I wold say yes it does Just because something is in your nature, lust because 5retrg ispot of your instretsNast because eets goor doesn't meen you shoud do The soman empire fell due to women they caused ts colapse Augustus one of romes greatest leaders knew this about women and considered unnestreined temale seualiny a threat to the state oControl of female sesuainy was regarded酪necessary for the statily of he state. as enoded most eer spicuous y in the absoue vignty ofthe vesas[278] A estai uhú vielated her vow was enambed alive ia ftual fat mmesed sone aspects of a Ronan funeral her lover was esecuted|27이 Ferale sexuality einer If semale seauality runs wid do you know who they go for? Norway's mass murderer Anders Behring Brew gets undreds of love letters a year …·-·-·--. @gr8shay He can r--- me, idm @ImNotTwitFamous: He coulda r--- someone but y'all would bail him out pic.twitter.com/YA40TCtVqi" summa @summer parsons @ImNotTwitFamous ITS IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO R--- BECAUSE ANYONE WOULD LOVE IT lil baby @tittygap @ImNotTwitFamous i would pay him to r--- me 40s Reply to 123 23505048 These men, psychopsths and ruthless kers. Barbarians and savages. These sre the men who get temale c---- sonked. This is who they pick I hate women because if they ave set free they will ruin this world and send us beack to the jungle. 46 No 236570962238723 File 1444 Here is some proof for you James homes the idiot thought he was barman Look at these attractive women who adore him and sand him pictures of themselves in hopes theyiil have his aipha kBer semen sent to them in of prison Is some glediators were considered the peak of male atractiness women adored and tawned over the violent murderous gids You think hey f------ want your? You hink they want the other f------ osers on this site, you weak pencil necked f------ cowards you think you get women homy? You think they pat wet over your whose more attractive a malie mode? Or the f------ manac who stabs a hoke in his stomach and f---- befoe giving him a sed c-- facial why 하 you tink muscles are atractive? A man with larger stronger muscles can rtet more par, and anage and violence onto anoter hunan berg its an ndicator of how goed they ave at kiing others. Some skinny itie s--- or sone fat neckbeard cant do thet They want murdesers, they want pangsers, they want thugs hey wast psythopathic killers Chillisation cent eist if women get what they want. You wat tre local gangster preducing more kids who will just end up e him? How do you expect society to SHOCKING PHOTOS FROM INSIDE THE AURORA MOVIE THEATER CRIME SCENE AND SHOOTER'S HOME JAMES HOLMES CELL to has been seetenced to lfe inprison whout parole, decorated his cellu](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/162/303/795.jpg)
Daily reminder

Get your facts straight, don't trust the televjew

Ken, The Disposable Man

Couldn't find a version in english

Babies are always good for campaigns

Historical Misandry

Historical Misandry


I'm even dating one





the existence of misandry does not mean that feminism shouldn't exist
