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My Wife's Son
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My Wife's Son
Mike Fahey: Pokemon Let's Go Helped Me Connect With My Wife's Son

My Wife's Son

My Wife's Son
My Wife's Son
![File: 102 KB, 400x388, 1335793724165.jpg [Show reposts] Image search: [google] [iqdb] Anonymous Mon Aug 31 04:12:29 2015 No. 50007626 [Reply] [Original] Quoted by: >>50007671 >>50007678 >>50007752 >>50007860 >>50007897>>50008138 >>50008154 >>50008248 >>50008295 >>50008316 >>50008415 >>50008667 >>50008684 >>50008709 500087555000935050009639500097185001007850010826>50011368500114275001150750011584500133495001337450013388 5001428050016082 tfw watched my wife's son flash CM on my S5 for the first time today and after observing me do it numerous times I've never seen him so happy before. Feels great man what have you done today anon? have you ever been someone's tech mentor? Anonymous Mon Aug 31 04:14:29 2015 No. 50007671 Quoted by: >>50007862 >>50008396 >>OP I rescued a dog today and saw a happy reunification of owner and pet. This prevented me from continuing my AngularJS course, but it was the right thing to do I guess. Anonymous Mon Aug 31 04:14:52 2015 No. 50007678 File: 328 KB, 727x739, 1426168097402[1].jpg [Show reposts] Image search: [google] [iqdb] >>OP my wife's son 司](
![File: 102 KB, 400x388, 1335793724165.jpg [Show reposts] Image search: [google] [iqdb] Anonymous Mon Aug 31 04:12:29 2015 No. 50007626 [Reply] [Original] Quoted by: >>50007671 >>50007678 >>50007752 >>50007860 >>50007897>>50008138 >>50008154 >>50008248 >>50008295 >>50008316 >>50008415 >>50008667 >>50008684 >>50008709 500087555000935050009639500097185001007850010826>50011368500114275001150750011584500133495001337450013388 5001428050016082 tfw watched my wife's son flash CM on my S5 for the first time today and after observing me do it numerous times I've never seen him so happy before. Feels great man what have you done today anon? have you ever been someone's tech mentor? Anonymous Mon Aug 31 04:14:29 2015 No. 50007671 Quoted by: >>50007862 >>50008396 >>OP I rescued a dog today and saw a happy reunification of owner and pet. This prevented me from continuing my AngularJS course, but it was the right thing to do I guess. Anonymous Mon Aug 31 04:14:52 2015 No. 50007678 File: 328 KB, 727x739, 1426168097402[1].jpg [Show reposts] Image search: [google] [iqdb] >>OP my wife's son 司](
My Wife's Son
Flags of my Son's Father

My Wife's Son
"Why I Need Bernie"
My Wife's Son
John Oliver: It's 2016

My Wife's Son
Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again.

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Is Bernie Sanders Forever Cuck

My Wife's Son
Psst... Hey Kid!

My Wife's Son
Hello Bernie supporters! Meet my wife and my wife's son

My Wife's Son
Don't Talk to Me or My Wife's Son Ever Again (EVE Online)

My Wife's Son
According to My Wife's Son

My Wife's Son

My Wife's Son
Don't Talk to Me or My Wife's Son Ever Again

My Wife's Son