#Orcposting - Images
Aragorn's Speech at the Black Gate Report From "Barad-dur Feed"

Aragorn Offers Dark Vision of Middle Earth at Violent Nationalist Rally

Aragorn Celebrating Violence and Nationalism at His Rallies

The truth has been spoken


Aragorn was a nazi? #killallelf #killallmen #orcswelcome

Polls Only Give Frodo Narrow Path to Victory

Pollsters Give Fellowship 95% Chance of Failure

Suspect For Helms Deep Terror Attack Article

Breaking News MSNBC Faramir Political Stumbles Continue

Breaking News Fellowship in Shambles

Breaking News Angry Pipe Weed Smoking Hobbit Radicalized

Breaking News Alt-Elf Snobs Retreat to Gated Community

Breaking News Saruman Says Wikileaks a Nothingburger

Breaking News Denethor II Sees Pathway to Pipe Weed Legalization

CNN Mt. Doom Eruptions No Cause For Alarm
