Part of a series on Lord Of The Rings. [View Related Entries]
#Orcposting is a Twitter hashtag accompanying screenshots from The Lord of the Rings films with captions mocking multiculturalism and globalism by depicting orcs as Muslim refugees.
On May 23rd, Twitter user @Amish_Drive_By[1] posted a screenshot of elven archers from Lord of the Rings with a joke caption describing them as Hungarians awaiting a "migrant legion bearing the white hand of Merkel" (shown below).

On May 26th, Twitter user @nontolerantman[7] tweeted a screenshot of several orcs along with the message "Reminder that it's a small minority of Orcs that are responsible for the attacks on Gondor" (shown below, left). The following day, @Amish_Drive_By[8] posted another Lord of the Rings image along with a caption about orcs commuting "long distances to access the resources that privileged men and elves enjoy" along with the hashtag "#orcposting" (shown below, right).

On May 29th, the hashtag #Orcposting began trending on Twitter. On May 30th, an #Orcposting thread was launched on 4chan's /pol/ board, which gathered upwards of 260 replies within 24 hours.[3]

Meanwhile, Redditor Justforclaritysake submitted a Time magazine cover photoshopped wit the face of an Uruk-hai warrior from Lord of the Rings with the headline "The New Face of Gondor: How Orcish Immigrants Are Shaping Middle Earth's First Multicultural Society" to /r/MemeEconomy[4] (shown below). Also on May 29th, evolutionary psychologist Geoffery Miller tweeted an image of a Lord of the Rings battle with the caption "Uruk-Hai will assimilate within 3 or 4 generations. The real problem is Urukophobia" (shown below, right).[9]

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External References
[1] Twitter – @Amish_Drive_By
[2] Twitter – @Turdykins
[3] Archive.is – #OrcPosting
[4] Reddit – Immigrant Orc memes are quickly picking up steam
[5] Archive.is – Orcposting 2
[6] Archive.is – Orcposting 3 the Return of the Meme
[7] Twitter – @nontolerantman
[8] Twitter – @Amish_Drive_By
[9] Twitter – @primalpoly
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Jill Moderator
May 31, 2017 at 02:04PM EDT
pinkiespy - goat spy
May 31, 2017 at 01:51PM EDT