Repeatedly Rejected Graduate
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Repeatedly Rejected Graduate is a meme that was created on 16th of June 2013 by the user Legtriangle, after first posting on memegenerator. The user reports to have applied his experiences in graduate job-hunting into the meme, often reciting from the view/ position of the prospective employer. The tonal language of the prospective employer tends to be that of a sarcastic, condescending nature, often trying to belittle the graduate's achievements, skills and experience. Likewise, emphasis is on the unlikelihood of the graduate in being successful in the position in question, usually that of a graduate scheme.
Moreover, the user reports that the whole point of the meme is to see the light and humour in which the majority of graduates (in the UK) face when entering into employment, often hazed by intense competition, and the state of how employers conduct their recruitment.
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Homey Money
Jul 16, 2013 at 03:23PM EDT
Jul 16, 2013 at 04:45PM EDT