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bad things are bad

20mm of self-defense and eardrum fucking

/k/ approved 9mm handguns

Poorfag Rhapsody.



A Wild Land Whale Appears...
![圖Anonymous 04 20/13(Sat)06.20 No. 15896409(リ>>15896442 >> 15896479 >>15896509 Some OC here, a bit long, so bear with me >At friends large farm where we gear up and shoot all sorts of firearms around the property every weekend >Decide to go out with tacticool gear on and practice reloading on the move from vests/etc n the process of operatin, when friends friends mom comes barreling down the long driveway up the trailer on the middle of the woods >decide its best to just go see whats up instead of continuing return to trailer and walk around to the front where she is parked >a wild land walrus appears! >She stares at us as we come around the cormer with plate carriers, helmets, and nifles > Can we help you Mrs. Anon? "..WHAT THE F--- DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING ANONS?" >"Excuse me?" >You look like a paramilitary AlQaeda group, how dare you do this, if you weren't family (we aren't) I would have you immediately arrested! >This is our property Mrs. Anon" > Give me those things before you kill someone!" Land walrus takes off towards me in front Reaches out and grabs my ar-15 mmediately drop mag while telling her its loaded and to back the f--- off >Land walrus ignored your orders, land walrus uses grab firearm >Friends stand there idiotically watching this unfold >Attempt to eject round before land walrus acquires object she knows jack s--- about>Safety was on, but in the process of getting assaulted by 400 pounds of soccer mom apparently got knocked off >she grabs the trigger and ound goes off into passenger window "WHAT THE F--- IS WRONG WITH YOU ANON, THATS IT, I AM CALLING THE POLICE" >Power waddles back to car while I sit there in "w-- just happened" mode >Walk up to her and take phone from her Land walrus starts balling callin to shoot her >All of my wat >Attempt to rationally explain that what she did was idiotic and that as its our property, what we do on it is of no concern to her g me mentally unstable and begging me not Anonymous 04/20/13(Sapo6:32 No. 15896479 [▼] >>15896509 >>15896540 TRIED TO SHOOT ME WHEN I TRIED TO HELP YOU, THIS IS WHY WE DON'T NEED GUNS IN THIS COUNTRY" >Gets into car and leaves without her phone Decide after that episode enough is enough and call it a night. As we pack everything into the trailer and call my friends dad to warn him of the shitstorm that just happens he unloads more b------- on us "Hey anons, what happened?? She came barreling in here bawling about how you shot at herl She says she called the police on you and that shes sorry.. >All of my rage We sit out on porch of trailer waiting for deputy derp to come check on us In no time, 2 squad cars barreling down like its been another 9/11 >Get out with sidearms out and draw down on us >"Officers, we are unarmed and are no threat to you. We have done nothing wrong. >"Mrs. Anon said she pulled in to check up on you and you fired at her." >2 Deputies begin walking up and busting out handcuffs >At this time woman comes barreling down road damn near swerving off the road Slams on breaks and gets out of the car screaming "THATS HIM OFFICER, TAKES HIS GUNS AWAY FROM HIM, HES DANGEROUS One officer turns around and asks her to stay back She pushes arm aside and walks right into our trailer >Promptly emerges with my ar in hand with finger on the trigger waves it at the cops while wailing THIS IS IT RIGHT HERE Shitstorm erupts Olficers curently cuffing us tuin and body slam her into parch ailng hilarious cow falling overesque sound Land walrus screaming, flailing, and bawling like a c--- while they double handcuff her (lost count of how many handcuffs were used that day) Begin to explain to officer one the whole story Cuts me off with "But what about her shot out window" and points to vehicle was getting to that... She tried to take the firearm away from me and it AD'd" See the f----- smirk as he imagines her molesting me for the AR Anonymous 04/20/13(Sat)06:42 No. 15896540 [ ▼ ] 2215896557 >Sit in handcuffs for extended period of time while he documents the entire scenario >Typical asking of what I am doing out here and why I was shooting outside > "Just practicing officer, this is our land." >"Oh... this isnt hers?" >Fast forward to him calling friends uncle who owns the land and confirms >Land walrus still cuffed Well how do you want to proceed from here?" > Listen, she is a friends mom officer, but please, can you get her the hell out of here?" >/popcorn as 3 of the 4 officers attempt to drag the land walrus crying and going a------ to the car >She starts wind milling... backhands officer across the head and starts grabbing onto him >Taserl Taserl Taserl" Wild Land Walrus feinted >Officers remove her from property and we decide to call it a night >Wake up in the moming and land walruses son calls asking me why his mom came home so f----- up in the morning >She still hates me and calls me a terrorist child killer to this day Still to this day. I cannot fathom how someone could be so f------ dumb](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/134/214/91a.jpg)
![圖Anonymous 04 20/13(Sat)06.20 No. 15896409(リ>>15896442 >> 15896479 >>15896509 Some OC here, a bit long, so bear with me >At friends large farm where we gear up and shoot all sorts of firearms around the property every weekend >Decide to go out with tacticool gear on and practice reloading on the move from vests/etc n the process of operatin, when friends friends mom comes barreling down the long driveway up the trailer on the middle of the woods >decide its best to just go see whats up instead of continuing return to trailer and walk around to the front where she is parked >a wild land walrus appears! >She stares at us as we come around the cormer with plate carriers, helmets, and nifles > Can we help you Mrs. Anon? "..WHAT THE F--- DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING ANONS?" >"Excuse me?" >You look like a paramilitary AlQaeda group, how dare you do this, if you weren't family (we aren't) I would have you immediately arrested! >This is our property Mrs. Anon" > Give me those things before you kill someone!" Land walrus takes off towards me in front Reaches out and grabs my ar-15 mmediately drop mag while telling her its loaded and to back the f--- off >Land walrus ignored your orders, land walrus uses grab firearm >Friends stand there idiotically watching this unfold >Attempt to eject round before land walrus acquires object she knows jack s--- about>Safety was on, but in the process of getting assaulted by 400 pounds of soccer mom apparently got knocked off >she grabs the trigger and ound goes off into passenger window "WHAT THE F--- IS WRONG WITH YOU ANON, THATS IT, I AM CALLING THE POLICE" >Power waddles back to car while I sit there in "w-- just happened" mode >Walk up to her and take phone from her Land walrus starts balling callin to shoot her >All of my wat >Attempt to rationally explain that what she did was idiotic and that as its our property, what we do on it is of no concern to her g me mentally unstable and begging me not Anonymous 04/20/13(Sapo6:32 No. 15896479 [▼] >>15896509 >>15896540 TRIED TO SHOOT ME WHEN I TRIED TO HELP YOU, THIS IS WHY WE DON'T NEED GUNS IN THIS COUNTRY" >Gets into car and leaves without her phone Decide after that episode enough is enough and call it a night. As we pack everything into the trailer and call my friends dad to warn him of the shitstorm that just happens he unloads more b------- on us "Hey anons, what happened?? She came barreling in here bawling about how you shot at herl She says she called the police on you and that shes sorry.. >All of my rage We sit out on porch of trailer waiting for deputy derp to come check on us In no time, 2 squad cars barreling down like its been another 9/11 >Get out with sidearms out and draw down on us >"Officers, we are unarmed and are no threat to you. We have done nothing wrong. >"Mrs. Anon said she pulled in to check up on you and you fired at her." >2 Deputies begin walking up and busting out handcuffs >At this time woman comes barreling down road damn near swerving off the road Slams on breaks and gets out of the car screaming "THATS HIM OFFICER, TAKES HIS GUNS AWAY FROM HIM, HES DANGEROUS One officer turns around and asks her to stay back She pushes arm aside and walks right into our trailer >Promptly emerges with my ar in hand with finger on the trigger waves it at the cops while wailing THIS IS IT RIGHT HERE Shitstorm erupts Olficers curently cuffing us tuin and body slam her into parch ailng hilarious cow falling overesque sound Land walrus screaming, flailing, and bawling like a c--- while they double handcuff her (lost count of how many handcuffs were used that day) Begin to explain to officer one the whole story Cuts me off with "But what about her shot out window" and points to vehicle was getting to that... She tried to take the firearm away from me and it AD'd" See the f----- smirk as he imagines her molesting me for the AR Anonymous 04/20/13(Sat)06:42 No. 15896540 [ ▼ ] 2215896557 >Sit in handcuffs for extended period of time while he documents the entire scenario >Typical asking of what I am doing out here and why I was shooting outside > "Just practicing officer, this is our land." >"Oh... this isnt hers?" >Fast forward to him calling friends uncle who owns the land and confirms >Land walrus still cuffed Well how do you want to proceed from here?" > Listen, she is a friends mom officer, but please, can you get her the hell out of here?" >/popcorn as 3 of the 4 officers attempt to drag the land walrus crying and going a------ to the car >She starts wind milling... backhands officer across the head and starts grabbing onto him >Taserl Taserl Taserl" Wild Land Walrus feinted >Officers remove her from property and we decide to call it a night >Wake up in the moming and land walruses son calls asking me why his mom came home so f----- up in the morning >She still hates me and calls me a terrorist child killer to this day Still to this day. I cannot fathom how someone could be so f------ dumb](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/134/214/91a.jpg)
Pickle Pwned

Keep Shooting Marshmallow Man

gunstore story

Mistakes were made.

Chinese Tank 2

Chinese Tank 1
