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/k/ - Anon explains why the US government would never instigate a civil war.

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>"With exception of the Texas grid"
Texas' grid is the most vulnerable of all of them! The bigger the grid the MORE resistant it is to power fluctuations and black- and brownouts.

>"Urban Areas don't have farms"
California is the biggest fruit producer in the US. The US produces a 35x food excess to their needs. Even if less than 10% of farmers remained on their side, food supply would be secured. Food production is currently also very inefficient with a severe overproduction of meat (80% of farms dedicated to pastures and farms for animal feed). Dialing down meat production would increase the amount of "calories produced per farmer and acre of land" A LOT.

Urban Areas also make up 80% of the population… he makes it sound like it's a 50/50. A rural rebel army would lose quickly out on productivity.

Americans won't even be moved to do the most pansy-ass strike for better wages and work conditions because of the minor risk to their convenience. What makes you think they'd pursue a war as well where there is literally their and their families' lives on the line? A small walkout for like half a day is the biggest protest action you can expect in the US. Everything else is too much of an inconvenience.

Let's see at least one general strike in the US first, paralyzing the ENTIRE economy for a few days, before I believe they'd do that.

The first Civil War was ALREADY a "mostly Urban VS mostly rural" Civil War. See how that turned out.


in reply to Timey16

tl:dr: OP is full of shit, zero understanding of the economy, infrastructure and actual logistics and even the demographics of his own country.

Just complete masturbatory power fantasy.

(Also politics: most non voters politically align center to center-left and also many people identifying more Social-Democrat and Socialist, as they don't think Democrats are a REAL leftist options and hate their guts. Most right wingers vote, so that spectrum is in terms of votes rather saturated. Nonvoters make up half of the population. Among nonvoters, over 2/3s want public healthcare for example and more engagement against climate change). So in a right wing VS left wing block you need to look what nonvoters believe in and what side they'd choose if push came to shove.

It's also why most polls only asking Democrats and Republicans are extremely misleading in regards to what Americans as a whole want.


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