/k/ - Images
A magical ship...


![[Re'뻐 [Catalog] [Bottom] [Update] [し/ Autol 2 new posts 113 23/52 I'm in some deep s--- Anonymous 04/16/15Thu 20 14 10 No 2548794?» "sayi4_suwuseam-saue-sea I tucked up guys l really did I l tell story γ People are interested in hearing but gat something 10 hold on to because this is gonna be embarassing Autist Bee Ikleeper 041615Thu 20:15:00 No 25487954 Let me guess >Glock slides on the wrong models napelm rounds buned down a fores airsoft parts mixed with actual gun pats wow Fila: azn is9 (88 KB, 521x840) Anonymous 04/16/15(Thu 20 15 40 No 25487965 you tried hunting with f--- your s--- rounds and stated a re again? Anonymous 04.16/15(Thu)20 1633 No 25487976 トーAm24 Give me the spaknotes version If its any good post the whole thing air enough I shot my my neighbor's cat in front of her daughter. Kitty got eviscerated Anonymous 04'16/1s(Thu2022:42 No. 25488037 22254850124 Oh f--- yes Anonymous 0416/1S(Thu 20 23:13 No.25488039 for what purpose Do tel Anonymous 04'16/1S(Thu2025 18 No.25488063トー 22254803 Some things are just worth doing for their own sake 2226488024 How old is the daugheer? Anonymous 04'16/15(Thu)20 26 06 No 25488076 s not beat around the bush here, anon OP, what was the daughter wearing? I wouldn't have f------ done t if my meighbor didn't call the cops on my brother last week for throwing a Furblaster Party in my backyard Anonymous 04'16/1S(Thu20 2718 No. 25488091 _usⅢ Oh. Youre just trashy. Well, no story needed Kind of explains itself Anonymous 04/16/1S(Thu20 27 35N0.25488096 ト - miu- igger what the f--- is a furblaster party t week, I was babysiting my autistic brother He's 22, and has the mentality of an 11 year old He's also a fury Now look, I love my little brother to death but furies are where I deaw the ine My mothar unaxpectadly came to my house with my brother and two of his tury friends and said Tt's an emargency, I need you to watch tham. Furanon and Furanon 2's parents know thay're with Broanon here at your place, so if they call, please answer? I humored her because l owe her a lot for being a s----- kid, so I accepted the duty of babysitting the f------ The furfags were in my backyard throwing dit and dryhumping each ether, and my neighbor called the cops when one of the fuckwits pulled his c--- out I understood, but then he started making fun af my brother. I don't take that s--- lighly, because aven though he's a retard he's family. I went oft on har, and sha's hated me since (she aready did bacause of a pravious incldent, but ll save that for later). Anyways, today, I was exceptionaly angy for reas ons which I wont explain. So when I walked outside to go to my car for something I left in it, CCing my 1911 and al, the bitch waked up to me and yeliad at me about controlling my brother. I yellad back at her for being a c---, and she shoved me, and I f------ lost it l screamed her "Ou. SO YOU DON'T LIKE FURRY THINGS? WELL HOW ABO TI GET RID OF ONE FOR YOU?" i dew my pistol and she screamed, and l stepped towards her porch where her daughter and cat were 술ting I aimed my handgun at the cat and mag dumped The cat went all over the porch and the mom and daughter screamed and ran in the house when I realized what I did, I flippad the f--- out and ran back inaide. It's bean two hours and no police have come but m scared shitless What tha f--- do I do?m HOLY WOTHER OF F------ KEKS bro First of al, you're retard. Second HOW OLD IS THE DAUGHTER? Anonymous 04/16/15(Thu 20 38 05 No 25488222 トMaaz" me gat this straight you f------ blew up a cat with saven 45 rounds in front of a little girl, and the first thing you do is tell 4chan good god Anonymous 04/16/15(Thu20 38 57 No 25488234 _Hml I wouldn't be disappointed if you were arrested honestly Anonymous 04'16/15(Thu20 39 1:8 No 25488238 ト 116M251 Filetarty kakspng (260 KB, 368 310) job OP, you stupld son of a forty keks wish this was a joke Im terrfied of the thought of going to jail Should I call a lawyer? Should I call my neighbor and apologize? I'm looking out my living room window and the porch is stil covered in blood, and some of the people in my neighborhood are walking around wondering what the f--- was going on WHAT D0I DO Anonymous 041615(Thu120 44 39 No 25488313 File murrica 1425257285573 ig(737 KB, 1284x2204) _seam-Hasan-saas4f 25488185 The cat attacked you It was a trainad attack sleapar agant cat This is a self defense issue The cat posed a threat to your life, wall being and freedoms The cat was a communist and was named Chaiman Meow You did this for America with a 1911, the most American thing possble a civlian patriot can do God bless your sou OP 22548818 What the f--- do I de??77 Go innawoods you dumb motharfucker Anonymous 04/16/15(Thu교10233 No 25488545 ト File: 1428976546469 ing (34KB, 407x600) l aimed my handgun at the cat and mag dumped Anonymous 04/16/15(Thu 21 03:40 No 25488660 File: image ing (23 KB, 241230) l know who I'm voting Anonymous 041615(Thu2108 46 No 25488638 File: 3311 ips (28 KB, 390x310) OH, SO YOU DON'T LIKE FURRY THINGS? WELL HOW ABOUT I GET RID /k/ - A Magical Place](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/020/102/6c7.jpg)
![[Re'뻐 [Catalog] [Bottom] [Update] [し/ Autol 2 new posts 113 23/52 I'm in some deep s--- Anonymous 04/16/15Thu 20 14 10 No 2548794?» "sayi4_suwuseam-saue-sea I tucked up guys l really did I l tell story γ People are interested in hearing but gat something 10 hold on to because this is gonna be embarassing Autist Bee Ikleeper 041615Thu 20:15:00 No 25487954 Let me guess >Glock slides on the wrong models napelm rounds buned down a fores airsoft parts mixed with actual gun pats wow Fila: azn is9 (88 KB, 521x840) Anonymous 04/16/15(Thu 20 15 40 No 25487965 you tried hunting with f--- your s--- rounds and stated a re again? Anonymous 04.16/15(Thu)20 1633 No 25487976 トーAm24 Give me the spaknotes version If its any good post the whole thing air enough I shot my my neighbor's cat in front of her daughter. Kitty got eviscerated Anonymous 04'16/1s(Thu2022:42 No. 25488037 22254850124 Oh f--- yes Anonymous 0416/1S(Thu 20 23:13 No.25488039 for what purpose Do tel Anonymous 04'16/1S(Thu2025 18 No.25488063トー 22254803 Some things are just worth doing for their own sake 2226488024 How old is the daugheer? Anonymous 04'16/15(Thu)20 26 06 No 25488076 s not beat around the bush here, anon OP, what was the daughter wearing? I wouldn't have f------ done t if my meighbor didn't call the cops on my brother last week for throwing a Furblaster Party in my backyard Anonymous 04'16/1S(Thu20 2718 No. 25488091 _usⅢ Oh. Youre just trashy. Well, no story needed Kind of explains itself Anonymous 04/16/1S(Thu20 27 35N0.25488096 ト - miu- igger what the f--- is a furblaster party t week, I was babysiting my autistic brother He's 22, and has the mentality of an 11 year old He's also a fury Now look, I love my little brother to death but furies are where I deaw the ine My mothar unaxpectadly came to my house with my brother and two of his tury friends and said Tt's an emargency, I need you to watch tham. Furanon and Furanon 2's parents know thay're with Broanon here at your place, so if they call, please answer? I humored her because l owe her a lot for being a s----- kid, so I accepted the duty of babysitting the f------ The furfags were in my backyard throwing dit and dryhumping each ether, and my neighbor called the cops when one of the fuckwits pulled his c--- out I understood, but then he started making fun af my brother. I don't take that s--- lighly, because aven though he's a retard he's family. I went oft on har, and sha's hated me since (she aready did bacause of a pravious incldent, but ll save that for later). Anyways, today, I was exceptionaly angy for reas ons which I wont explain. So when I walked outside to go to my car for something I left in it, CCing my 1911 and al, the bitch waked up to me and yeliad at me about controlling my brother. I yellad back at her for being a c---, and she shoved me, and I f------ lost it l screamed her "Ou. SO YOU DON'T LIKE FURRY THINGS? WELL HOW ABO TI GET RID OF ONE FOR YOU?" i dew my pistol and she screamed, and l stepped towards her porch where her daughter and cat were 술ting I aimed my handgun at the cat and mag dumped The cat went all over the porch and the mom and daughter screamed and ran in the house when I realized what I did, I flippad the f--- out and ran back inaide. It's bean two hours and no police have come but m scared shitless What tha f--- do I do?m HOLY WOTHER OF F------ KEKS bro First of al, you're retard. Second HOW OLD IS THE DAUGHTER? Anonymous 04/16/15(Thu 20 38 05 No 25488222 トMaaz" me gat this straight you f------ blew up a cat with saven 45 rounds in front of a little girl, and the first thing you do is tell 4chan good god Anonymous 04/16/15(Thu20 38 57 No 25488234 _Hml I wouldn't be disappointed if you were arrested honestly Anonymous 04'16/15(Thu20 39 1:8 No 25488238 ト 116M251 Filetarty kakspng (260 KB, 368 310) job OP, you stupld son of a forty keks wish this was a joke Im terrfied of the thought of going to jail Should I call a lawyer? Should I call my neighbor and apologize? I'm looking out my living room window and the porch is stil covered in blood, and some of the people in my neighborhood are walking around wondering what the f--- was going on WHAT D0I DO Anonymous 041615(Thu120 44 39 No 25488313 File murrica 1425257285573 ig(737 KB, 1284x2204) _seam-Hasan-saas4f 25488185 The cat attacked you It was a trainad attack sleapar agant cat This is a self defense issue The cat posed a threat to your life, wall being and freedoms The cat was a communist and was named Chaiman Meow You did this for America with a 1911, the most American thing possble a civlian patriot can do God bless your sou OP 22548818 What the f--- do I de??77 Go innawoods you dumb motharfucker Anonymous 04/16/15(Thu교10233 No 25488545 ト File: 1428976546469 ing (34KB, 407x600) l aimed my handgun at the cat and mag dumped Anonymous 04/16/15(Thu 21 03:40 No 25488660 File: image ing (23 KB, 241230) l know who I'm voting Anonymous 041615(Thu2108 46 No 25488638 File: 3311 ips (28 KB, 390x310) OH, SO YOU DON'T LIKE FURRY THINGS? WELL HOW ABOUT I GET RID /k/ - A Magical Place](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/020/102/6c7.jpg)
A-10 is bae

Read notes.

Part of a kek-inducing breakfast.

/k/ goes to an airshow

/k/ goes hunting

/k/ on paranting

/k/ meets a soccer mom in sanfran
![Anonymous 08/12/14(Tue)08:24:42 No.22352309 >>22352392 2222352421 2222352510 2222352569 Where I live I barely ever have soccermom issues BUT, this one time be inna Santa Fe with my friend visiting his dad, and his dad's boyfriend ( know, but they're cool) >out at one of the outdoor type malls look over and see people with signs screaming about stuff >no idea who they are, oh well >sick of looking at shoes with two gay men, so I head off alone >go into a knife store >low and behold, they have a few holsters and stuff for sale >been CC'ing in a s----- uncomfortable holster all day >buy a nicer one >Ask store owner if I can swap out in the store as im doing this I notice a lady with a sign walking by >she glances at me and see's my gun on the counter >the cashier was going to hide it for me >but she walked by as I set it down. >Picks up her sign "OCCUPY NM" really big on it. Cont □ Anonymous 08/12/14 (Tue)08 40 45 No 22352421、2-2232465 z-22352467222 22352309 "oh boy here we go" said quite loudly to the cashier and store owner >Lady runs up "THATS ILLEGAL" >l shut my >Store owner starts off "aam, this is my store, he can have his gun in here if he wants to. Plus, he has a concealed permit" >"YOU MEAN YOU ADVOCATE PEOPLE WEAPONS?!?!? HOW DARE YO-…" >Store owner is walking away from her, face palming cashier is looking really worried "Jeff, the lady's just dumb, give her a break, stop. >"Caleb I can't deal with her in MY store messing with MY customers, LADY YOU HAVE 5 SECONDS TO GIT >I'm sitting there trying to get my new holster on as fast as I can Lady starts chanting some weird slogan about how guns kill or something, i had tuned her out [Shrieking Intensifies] SECRETLY CARRYING DEADLY must have summoned others because l >her herd had gathered outside the store >all of them could see me putting my gun in my holster >Liberalism intensifies Store owner come back and says "Lady, calm down or git, last chance. Lady screams at him, calls him a pig He raises up a mossberg 500 in full view of the crown and begins loading it. >every shell he put in he counts >click "1" click "2".. goes to five >pumps the shotgun >The woman jumps on the floor and screams for help, she's being attacked I'm standing there in shock >I tell the owner sorry but I need to go "'no this happens at least once a day since these C---- (looks and yells at lady) showed up, you go on and have a good day >walk out >crowd is yelling at me >people clawing at my side >i muscle my way through >go run to my friend "dude let's go" >"why?" >angry OCCUPY crowd marching our way >"What...the...f---...what did you even >drag him the f--- away find his dad and his bf >"Guys, c'mon, buy shoes later" >(extreme gay voice) "Por que, I was just about to model them fors mi lover >"LATER DO IT LATER" "Si, ok, so pooshy" >us 4 walk out The crowd is just yelling at us as I dive into the car □ Anonymous 08/12/14(Tue)08:50:26 No.22352484 2222352498 >>22352503 222 >22352421 >Land whale throws her sign like a frisbee and in hits the car >(extreme gay voice again) >"WHO DID THIS >friend's dad gets out >"WHO IS THE MOTHER..M------------ WHO DEED THEES slady who threw it realizes her herd has not caught up yet. "WASS IT YOU BEECH?" YOU APOLOGIZE TO MI CAR OR I CALL LA POLICE" >lady is mindfucked to no end. A gay man is mad at her, and not on her side. >She tries to run >He catches her >(gay and mexican accents intensify) YOU APOLOGISE TO LA CARRO PENCHE PUTA" >He is now dragging this land cow to the car "APOLOGIZE >Lady mumbles sorry >"NOW KEES" (pushes her face into the window) "NOW GEET OUTTA MY FACE" swe drive hom DON'T TREAD ON ME And that's why I love my friend's gay dad as much as my own dad](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/997/938/aef.jpg)
![Anonymous 08/12/14(Tue)08:24:42 No.22352309 >>22352392 2222352421 2222352510 2222352569 Where I live I barely ever have soccermom issues BUT, this one time be inna Santa Fe with my friend visiting his dad, and his dad's boyfriend ( know, but they're cool) >out at one of the outdoor type malls look over and see people with signs screaming about stuff >no idea who they are, oh well >sick of looking at shoes with two gay men, so I head off alone >go into a knife store >low and behold, they have a few holsters and stuff for sale >been CC'ing in a s----- uncomfortable holster all day >buy a nicer one >Ask store owner if I can swap out in the store as im doing this I notice a lady with a sign walking by >she glances at me and see's my gun on the counter >the cashier was going to hide it for me >but she walked by as I set it down. >Picks up her sign "OCCUPY NM" really big on it. Cont □ Anonymous 08/12/14 (Tue)08 40 45 No 22352421、2-2232465 z-22352467222 22352309 "oh boy here we go" said quite loudly to the cashier and store owner >Lady runs up "THATS ILLEGAL" >l shut my >Store owner starts off "aam, this is my store, he can have his gun in here if he wants to. Plus, he has a concealed permit" >"YOU MEAN YOU ADVOCATE PEOPLE WEAPONS?!?!? HOW DARE YO-…" >Store owner is walking away from her, face palming cashier is looking really worried "Jeff, the lady's just dumb, give her a break, stop. >"Caleb I can't deal with her in MY store messing with MY customers, LADY YOU HAVE 5 SECONDS TO GIT >I'm sitting there trying to get my new holster on as fast as I can Lady starts chanting some weird slogan about how guns kill or something, i had tuned her out [Shrieking Intensifies] SECRETLY CARRYING DEADLY must have summoned others because l >her herd had gathered outside the store >all of them could see me putting my gun in my holster >Liberalism intensifies Store owner come back and says "Lady, calm down or git, last chance. Lady screams at him, calls him a pig He raises up a mossberg 500 in full view of the crown and begins loading it. >every shell he put in he counts >click "1" click "2".. goes to five >pumps the shotgun >The woman jumps on the floor and screams for help, she's being attacked I'm standing there in shock >I tell the owner sorry but I need to go "'no this happens at least once a day since these C---- (looks and yells at lady) showed up, you go on and have a good day >walk out >crowd is yelling at me >people clawing at my side >i muscle my way through >go run to my friend "dude let's go" >"why?" >angry OCCUPY crowd marching our way >"What...the...f---...what did you even >drag him the f--- away find his dad and his bf >"Guys, c'mon, buy shoes later" >(extreme gay voice) "Por que, I was just about to model them fors mi lover >"LATER DO IT LATER" "Si, ok, so pooshy" >us 4 walk out The crowd is just yelling at us as I dive into the car □ Anonymous 08/12/14(Tue)08:50:26 No.22352484 2222352498 >>22352503 222 >22352421 >Land whale throws her sign like a frisbee and in hits the car >(extreme gay voice again) >"WHO DID THIS >friend's dad gets out >"WHO IS THE MOTHER..M------------ WHO DEED THEES slady who threw it realizes her herd has not caught up yet. "WASS IT YOU BEECH?" YOU APOLOGIZE TO MI CAR OR I CALL LA POLICE" >lady is mindfucked to no end. A gay man is mad at her, and not on her side. >She tries to run >He catches her >(gay and mexican accents intensify) YOU APOLOGISE TO LA CARRO PENCHE PUTA" >He is now dragging this land cow to the car "APOLOGIZE >Lady mumbles sorry >"NOW KEES" (pushes her face into the window) "NOW GEET OUTTA MY FACE" swe drive hom DON'T TREAD ON ME And that's why I love my friend's gay dad as much as my own dad](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/997/938/aef.jpg)
Joining Mid-Game

Dance off

Ivan's Advice on Equipping your AK with a Rail System

Ivan's Advice on Sporterizing your SKS


