/k/ - Images
The /k/arrier


Forgotten Weapon (1986)


A +65 year old revolver is safer than a modern auto.


Foodstampmen and the kangs of the high asphalt


Kannibals of arizona


Infantry medic's fun.


Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Nerf Guns.


Not even once


Spray n pray


everything /k/ needs


Furries on /k/


/k/ memes.


/K/oko Loco


Not so civil uprisal.


Combat jacks
![Fler 1334083929 ipg24 KB, 720540, 1373771872769 jg) G ::厂Tell me about masturbatingwhile deployed Anonymous 0717/13 wed)1336 UTC-7№17197 136 OReplerunrmttlnaen So i, have any of you ever had a good of Combat Jack? A mend of mine made tapoint to mastrbate in inappropriate places allover lraq. Ha says sneakinga rub out is pretty common in What terible things have you dore to quel your raging war hardon? Anonymous 07/17/1awed] 13:39 UTC-7 No. 17197 162 O R---..styt97 "12urm ve jacked off al over the world. Even busted many nuts in varous ar cratts.I got caught Jering off in a few places. Mother tuckers need to learn how to knock Anonymous 07/1 7/13xWed) 13 39 UTC-7 No 17197 167 Anonymous 07/1 7/13Cwed) 13:40 UTC-7 No. 17 197 173 0 Repie 17197943 I successtuly tapped on land, sea, and ar. Now Imake t a point to fap nevery courtrylvist Stll nat sure r he Ine of people outside the lavatory knew Iwas fapping or not Anonymous 07/1 7/13wed) 1343 UTC-7 No.17197207 Replies1 71359 Istil cart c-- unless fm practically sutocating na 130+ degree box breathing in that delclous blue chem odor surounded by ck pictures Anonymous 07/1 7/13(wed) 1344 UTC-7 № 17 197217 Repies 므17197280-71973盤"171979篮ー71笠108 u17199 guard partner fals as leep for the umpteen millorth time that night out 1LT is fucng with fap in turret of truck c-- on back of 1LTs heirmet while he's wearningt SsG decides he wants labobs trom street vendor alley cat twining around my legs Heh. get group of fem ale fobbts on COP for cutural errichm ent or som es hit (they were MPS) receive our nighby mortar barrage >레 the fottes dsre for cur 5ole burker bbt dem martarzI We's is scaaared >WHOLE F------ PLATOON Jacks ot into burier got them to leave the burker same time hoid fapping > see w no can c-- or this ndic uously ruge cirT and htthe well in e MBage below unfar advartage, f-- ker had like a 13* d---. He was aready half a foot clos er than the rest of us There's probaty more, Just car亢remember tem or廿eyT8 farty unremarkable i tapped all those coutres 17197402 on tuck, dld you drtve a LAW called Black Unicom? Our drver cld that sht to us once or twice Swerving e an nishman going to a wedding Dtver's steering wth his knees >No one warts to key te nerc on because UhiH UH UiH UGH A㈩HHhhhh Anonymous 07/1 7713Wed)1421 UTC-T No. 17197713 Reples 221797274 212197234 217197941 2217199100 File: 1374096093286 p-(39 KB, 535 560, altrades jpg) GU here gut ore for ya sistening to sound powered phone circut for casuaties ) ask them wrはwa 5 50 funny Over phones ur, ca shop ,weve teard reports of MMain LAMR who was caught didding herser on watch yeah, the Roast Beef DJ got caught by a serir Chi trgerrgrerser rear one of vales on lower level we end up seeing an engreerng female on restriction a day or two later mtw a year or two later she ended up in our shop t⑩0K 헤 of my ser control not to cal ner the Roast beer DJ Be inna woods as young c adet Awake 3 ys stragrt, poring ran, dark Forced to st around in crcle and watch sand table bulshitfor 2 hours Tactic ally j------- s tting next to everyone in ordler to stay awake Survval jac k in the cald ran in order to keep warm and aw aie No one ever knew, they were all hair asleep Anonymous UWI //lawegi4カy U IC-IN0.1/1YYZUURepies: Fie 1374096367848 g -(1.76 640e460, dec ert gr G。 ater communal showers in boot camp, what Navy Boot camp buddy tells meofte horror he encountered tat day >short black dude who bunked near mewas in shower with buddy accidenitaly c--- s bps buddly's leg with his horsecock where in my post ddI write that? Another 2007 il use his real reme because he was a shthag rap-shot, also because his name became a verb by the end of the deployment would aways watch parn on his f-- khuge laptop in his rack come ights out, his rackwas it up lke the tw entieth century fox search light rthe cutan on his rack tell hrn to stop」 rgrttotuck with him make him cry He had al the ward pom, ile midgets and tranies. alnough t doesrt seem werd row that iharg out on 4chan. Anonymous 07/1 7,13 wed) 15 32 UTC-7 NO 1 7 198629 D Replies yel7192646 u17190蜪21719006:171906뜨 프17199746 u1719em umastoa File 1374100323931 (13KB. 183c200. hehprg) 00 nes are, i else I have andther ore thet was told to me by a shipmate who cranked in the wardroom an the 2007 deploymert. ve told t oks would routiney f--- with officers food nprnate w as tod wrich items from, the menu tra ne srourt e one day, aLt Commander T---------- from Reactor gets the lounge for crankers and cooks taken away F----- with the people who handle her food a morth later, she approaches a young Mane working as a cook (he was apparertly a very good cook) sshe asks him for a favor coud thes Corporal please make abimday cake rher grandm a and family are coming to the ship for he TigerC Cruise He begins to do what every Marnine is born to do he faps he saves 3 MONTHS of spurkin a 뎌astic bote every cook maes a contibution be it snct, spit, cleaning prodlucts, what have you everyone in the ktchen is in awe of Corporal anon's spunkbotte Grandma and famity of LCDR T---------- est cale they loved the cale ever had eywant a picue with ne Marine who made t so good tri ina Aghanis tan ォ myas tck, its been wel over a month into depbymert wth nojackng off one night on top or a mourtain, dug in wat hing for tailban on the opposing ridge faghals third section is masty asleep too, first is down the ridge too far to see sudcenty possessed by houghts of my ex girfienc's perfect tts and ight vagoo.. ucking retheads man in tree next to m >witn C--- Cut、300L ⑩ bow. 1 yel as loud as I can WAKE THE F--- UP. -short -last shos >r-----------, c-- on his sleeve and boot LT has a har ssed har dsgusted lock on his face as he loos me Mairtained a r----------- trough a smal frefight, came somelme in that firerignt on the LT, and the whole timeI ddtthink to puli my pants up. Fought wtn bare ass exposed and raging erection ponted tow ards the enemy. That was two years ago and everyone STLL regards me as the battery psychopath Anonymous 07/17/13wed) 1649 UTC 7 NO 17 199466 0 Repliaz 쓰rtaasz "maaslanaras seluaass2 everyone in the entre company knows about this one recrut this one recrut is aways sc ratc hing his ass in the s just went on lke a 10 mile ruck up some big ass hil,I forget the name of it a couple guys start getting ther fap on recrut asshands begins makng werd nolses assrards is very deic ey explorna hs tercer anus with his ring nrger are so ent anced that they forget they're puling cockwhle watching this analy fwated degererale owthesses 3guys cun back to back with eyes glued on retruit as shands who is nucke deep in his baloon knt Aso apparerty somewreres n Balad tree is a sritter with a petre of ousty the Clown from e Srps ns snarpiea on the wal](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/153/702/0fd.jpg)
![Fler 1334083929 ipg24 KB, 720540, 1373771872769 jg) G ::厂Tell me about masturbatingwhile deployed Anonymous 0717/13 wed)1336 UTC-7№17197 136 OReplerunrmttlnaen So i, have any of you ever had a good of Combat Jack? A mend of mine made tapoint to mastrbate in inappropriate places allover lraq. Ha says sneakinga rub out is pretty common in What terible things have you dore to quel your raging war hardon? Anonymous 07/17/1awed] 13:39 UTC-7 No. 17197 162 O R---..styt97 "12urm ve jacked off al over the world. Even busted many nuts in varous ar cratts.I got caught Jering off in a few places. Mother tuckers need to learn how to knock Anonymous 07/1 7/13xWed) 13 39 UTC-7 No 17197 167 Anonymous 07/1 7/13Cwed) 13:40 UTC-7 No. 17 197 173 0 Repie 17197943 I successtuly tapped on land, sea, and ar. Now Imake t a point to fap nevery courtrylvist Stll nat sure r he Ine of people outside the lavatory knew Iwas fapping or not Anonymous 07/1 7/13wed) 1343 UTC-7 No.17197207 Replies1 71359 Istil cart c-- unless fm practically sutocating na 130+ degree box breathing in that delclous blue chem odor surounded by ck pictures Anonymous 07/1 7/13(wed) 1344 UTC-7 № 17 197217 Repies 므17197280-71973盤"171979篮ー71笠108 u17199 guard partner fals as leep for the umpteen millorth time that night out 1LT is fucng with fap in turret of truck c-- on back of 1LTs heirmet while he's wearningt SsG decides he wants labobs trom street vendor alley cat twining around my legs Heh. get group of fem ale fobbts on COP for cutural errichm ent or som es hit (they were MPS) receive our nighby mortar barrage >레 the fottes dsre for cur 5ole burker bbt dem martarzI We's is scaaared >WHOLE F------ PLATOON Jacks ot into burier got them to leave the burker same time hoid fapping > see w no can c-- or this ndic uously ruge cirT and htthe well in e MBage below unfar advartage, f-- ker had like a 13* d---. He was aready half a foot clos er than the rest of us There's probaty more, Just car亢remember tem or廿eyT8 farty unremarkable i tapped all those coutres 17197402 on tuck, dld you drtve a LAW called Black Unicom? Our drver cld that sht to us once or twice Swerving e an nishman going to a wedding Dtver's steering wth his knees >No one warts to key te nerc on because UhiH UH UiH UGH A㈩HHhhhh Anonymous 07/1 7713Wed)1421 UTC-T No. 17197713 Reples 221797274 212197234 217197941 2217199100 File: 1374096093286 p-(39 KB, 535 560, altrades jpg) GU here gut ore for ya sistening to sound powered phone circut for casuaties ) ask them wrはwa 5 50 funny Over phones ur, ca shop ,weve teard reports of MMain LAMR who was caught didding herser on watch yeah, the Roast Beef DJ got caught by a serir Chi trgerrgrerser rear one of vales on lower level we end up seeing an engreerng female on restriction a day or two later mtw a year or two later she ended up in our shop t⑩0K 헤 of my ser control not to cal ner the Roast beer DJ Be inna woods as young c adet Awake 3 ys stragrt, poring ran, dark Forced to st around in crcle and watch sand table bulshitfor 2 hours Tactic ally j------- s tting next to everyone in ordler to stay awake Survval jac k in the cald ran in order to keep warm and aw aie No one ever knew, they were all hair asleep Anonymous UWI //lawegi4カy U IC-IN0.1/1YYZUURepies: Fie 1374096367848 g -(1.76 640e460, dec ert gr G。 ater communal showers in boot camp, what Navy Boot camp buddy tells meofte horror he encountered tat day >short black dude who bunked near mewas in shower with buddy accidenitaly c--- s bps buddly's leg with his horsecock where in my post ddI write that? Another 2007 il use his real reme because he was a shthag rap-shot, also because his name became a verb by the end of the deployment would aways watch parn on his f-- khuge laptop in his rack come ights out, his rackwas it up lke the tw entieth century fox search light rthe cutan on his rack tell hrn to stop」 rgrttotuck with him make him cry He had al the ward pom, ile midgets and tranies. alnough t doesrt seem werd row that iharg out on 4chan. Anonymous 07/1 7,13 wed) 15 32 UTC-7 NO 1 7 198629 D Replies yel7192646 u17190蜪21719006:171906뜨 프17199746 u1719em umastoa File 1374100323931 (13KB. 183c200. hehprg) 00 nes are, i else I have andther ore thet was told to me by a shipmate who cranked in the wardroom an the 2007 deploymert. ve told t oks would routiney f--- with officers food nprnate w as tod wrich items from, the menu tra ne srourt e one day, aLt Commander T---------- from Reactor gets the lounge for crankers and cooks taken away F----- with the people who handle her food a morth later, she approaches a young Mane working as a cook (he was apparertly a very good cook) sshe asks him for a favor coud thes Corporal please make abimday cake rher grandm a and family are coming to the ship for he TigerC Cruise He begins to do what every Marnine is born to do he faps he saves 3 MONTHS of spurkin a 뎌astic bote every cook maes a contibution be it snct, spit, cleaning prodlucts, what have you everyone in the ktchen is in awe of Corporal anon's spunkbotte Grandma and famity of LCDR T---------- est cale they loved the cale ever had eywant a picue with ne Marine who made t so good tri ina Aghanis tan ォ myas tck, its been wel over a month into depbymert wth nojackng off one night on top or a mourtain, dug in wat hing for tailban on the opposing ridge faghals third section is masty asleep too, first is down the ridge too far to see sudcenty possessed by houghts of my ex girfienc's perfect tts and ight vagoo.. ucking retheads man in tree next to m >witn C--- Cut、300L ⑩ bow. 1 yel as loud as I can WAKE THE F--- UP. -short -last shos >r-----------, c-- on his sleeve and boot LT has a har ssed har dsgusted lock on his face as he loos me Mairtained a r----------- trough a smal frefight, came somelme in that firerignt on the LT, and the whole timeI ddtthink to puli my pants up. Fought wtn bare ass exposed and raging erection ponted tow ards the enemy. That was two years ago and everyone STLL regards me as the battery psychopath Anonymous 07/17/13wed) 1649 UTC 7 NO 17 199466 0 Repliaz 쓰rtaasz "maaslanaras seluaass2 everyone in the entre company knows about this one recrut this one recrut is aways sc ratc hing his ass in the s just went on lke a 10 mile ruck up some big ass hil,I forget the name of it a couple guys start getting ther fap on recrut asshands begins makng werd nolses assrards is very deic ey explorna hs tercer anus with his ring nrger are so ent anced that they forget they're puling cockwhle watching this analy fwated degererale owthesses 3guys cun back to back with eyes glued on retruit as shands who is nucke deep in his baloon knt Aso apparerty somewreres n Balad tree is a sritter with a petre of ousty the Clown from e Srps ns snarpiea on the wal](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/153/702/0fd.jpg)
how to hipfire DShK

