/r/freefolk - Images
There goes Jaime's severed thing | /r/FreeFolk

What will society look like when George releases TWOW ? | /r/FreeFolk

Thank the Gods | /r/FreeFolk

D&D missed this iconic 'subverting expectations' | /r/FreeFolk

POV you study at the citadel in the winds of winter | /r/FreeFolk

Oopsie daisy walked into the wrong franchise again | /r/FreeFolk

If George RR Martin made the US | /r/FreeFolk

Joffrey the Mustachioed Menace | /r/FreeFolk

Joffrey’s resemblance to Caligula is striking | /r/FreeFolk

2010 is the year George went mad with neeps. NOT ONE neep for over 15 years before neeps crop up twi...

do you find this annoying? | /r/FreeFolk

The Purgers | /r/FreeFolk

Fuck Bronn for cutting off a horse's legs | /r/FreeFolk

Who are you choosing as your confront character? It’s Joffrey the way for me. | /r/FreeFolk

What is your headcanon moniker replacing Bran the 'Broken'? Mine's Bran the 'Useless' | /r/FreeFolk

Little girl who can't count to 20 once thought... | /r/FreeFolk
