/r/freefolk - Images
New theory: Tyrion died here and Jorah pulled up the wrong dwarf | /r/FreeFolk

Let's get him. | /r/FreeFolk

Did we ever establish in this scene whether or not the statues genitalia was visible to anyone saili...

Turning Point Trident | /r/FreeFolk

The biggest degenerate of Westeros | /r/FreeFolk

That's not an opinion it's a fact. | /r/FreeFolk

Ned has no time for this dragon nonsense | /r/FreeFolk

Who Finishes Their Story 1st? | /r/FreeFolk

The Deep Ones wouldve seen Arya coming | /r/FreeFolk

Rory McCann, Gwendoline Christie, and their sons Kit & Iwan | /r/FreeFolk

When you hear Dan & David are not going to Comic-Con | /r/FreeFolk

There’s a first time for everything | /r/FreeFolk

I gone and did a meme | /r/FreeFolk

Which would you prefer? | /r/FreeFolk

What are the topics that come to mind when you see this? | /r/FreeFolk

Name a better dynamic than dany simps and their daughters who will hate them when they're old enough...
