/r/freefolk - Images
For the love of old gods get this man a new maester | /r/FreeFolk

Reminded me of Karsi the wildling leader in Hardhome | /r/FreeFolk

Fuck Criston | /r/FreeFolk

sike! | /r/FreeFolk

Kinda dumb to question the princesses honor in front of a guy who can legally kill you for it. | /r/...

Episode 5 was mid and didn't make logical sense | /r/FreeFolk

Just Brings Up Too Many Bad Memories | /r/FreeFolk

Milly Alcock Appreciation Post | /r/FreeFolk

Sir Criston's behaviour on the wedding was kind of familiar to me... | /r/FreeFolk

Had to look up this guy's name after the episode, but he'll be forever known in our household as "Cr...

Nice guy Criston. | /r/FreeFolk

Her character progression throughout the show is phenomenal. From the point where she started to the...

Viserys living longer just to spite Otto | /r/FreeFolk

A true political mastermind | /r/FreeFolk

Manners maketh man. | /r/FreeFolk

King Viserys sure isn't looking too good | /r/FreeFolk
