Sleepy Bruno Mars - Images
Bruno Mars is me at every social event😂 #BETAwards

Sleepy Bruno Mars
Did I just catch Bruno in the crowd sleep?? #BETAwards

Sleepy Bruno Mars
Maybe Bruno was sleep on y'all like y'all were sleeping in Bruno all these ages? #BETAwards

Sleepy Bruno Mars
"I'm just resting my eyes." - Bruno Mars #BETAwards

Sleepy Bruno Mars
I know bro @BrunoMars they putting me to sleep too. #BETAwards

Sleepy Bruno Mars
Somebody got wake @brunomars up! 😂😂😂 #BETawards

Sleepy Bruno Mars
Did y'all peep Bruno Mars face look like he was about to fall asleep standing up #BETAwards

Sleepy Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars looks like he just remembered he got bills due tomorrow but don't get paid til Friday #BetAwards

Sleepy Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars after hearing he won a #BETAwards

Sleepy Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars during Mary J performance 😂😂 #betawards

Sleepy Bruno Mars
Bruno sleep 💀💀💀

Sleepy Bruno Mars