Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Images
Maya Fey

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
AA6 Maya

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Apollo Justice in We Bare Bear?

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Trilogy trio

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Well then.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
AA6 Maya

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
whenever someone cuts you off by going “…anyway” respond with this

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
AA6 Postcards (also Ema Skye confirmed to appear in aa6?)

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Maya Then and Now

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Old Timey Objection

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Leg Slam Objection!

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Young Trucy

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Turnabout Duo

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney