Pokémon Sun and Moon - Images
How everyone is reacting to Lusamine
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Leaked Ultra Beast #40

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Pokémon Sun and Moon
How Lusamine sees us

Pokémon Sun and Moon
More customisation options

Pokémon Sun and Moon
Here is Alola's "Science is amazing" guy

Pokémon Sun and Moon
This is why you always have to bring sunscreen

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Pokémon Sun and Moon
Totem Wishiwashi

Pokémon Sun and Moon
Professor Oak is in Alola (actually his cousin, Samson Oak)

Pokémon Sun and Moon
ALOLAN OAK (actually his cousin)
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Her hair is slowly becoming an egg

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Pokémon Sun and Moon
Queen of unethical experimentation

Pokémon Sun and Moon
The reason behind Type: Null's name
![The reason behind Type: Null's name Language Title Meaning Type: Null is the only Pokemon that is doesn't keep its English name in the Spanish and ltalian localization タイプ:ヌルType: Null Type:0 Código Cero Typ:Null Tipo Zerd 타입:널 Type: Null ● Japanese French Spanish German talian Korean Cantonese Chinese Mandarin Chinese The reason for this is that because Type: Null is a chimera, the Pokedex doesn't recognize it as a proper Pokemon and displays a "Type: Null" error. Because of this, trainers decided to give it the nickname Type: Null, and the name stuck. More lanquages [show] Hence why the name was localized in versions that otherwise retain Pokemon names, because an English error message would not make sense in the localized context. Scanning Pokemon, bzZt. Pokemon de escaneado... ERROR! Type: Null ERRORI Código Cero](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/168/030/4b1.png)
![The reason behind Type: Null's name Language Title Meaning Type: Null is the only Pokemon that is doesn't keep its English name in the Spanish and ltalian localization タイプ:ヌルType: Null Type:0 Código Cero Typ:Null Tipo Zerd 타입:널 Type: Null ● Japanese French Spanish German talian Korean Cantonese Chinese Mandarin Chinese The reason for this is that because Type: Null is a chimera, the Pokedex doesn't recognize it as a proper Pokemon and displays a "Type: Null" error. Because of this, trainers decided to give it the nickname Type: Null, and the name stuck. More lanquages [show] Hence why the name was localized in versions that otherwise retain Pokemon names, because an English error message would not make sense in the localized context. Scanning Pokemon, bzZt. Pokemon de escaneado... ERROR! Type: Null ERRORI Código Cero](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/168/030/4b1.png)
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Always relevant

Pokémon Sun and Moon