Robot Combat - Images
When Spinners Collide

Robot Combat
Razer destroying the robot their wives built

Robot Combat
Bronco's awesome flip

Robot Combat
Complete Control's Complete Trolling

Robot Combat
Bite Force: Champion of a New Generation

Robot Combat
Complete Control: Methodical and Creative

Robot Combat
Son of Whyachi: A Lineage of Carnage

Robot Combat
Biohazard: The Legendary Destroyer

Robot Combat
Storm 2: The Winds Of Rebellion

Robot Combat
Razer: The Beautiful But Deadly

Robot Combat
Hypno-Disc: Perennial All Star, Force of Destruction

Robot Combat
Chaos 2: The Revolutionary Flipper

Robot Combat
Roadblock: The First Champion

Robot Combat
The House Robots (Upgraded for the 2016 Robot Wars revival)

Robot Combat
Bite Force excites the crowd

Robot Combat
The House Robots (as of Series 6)

Robot Combat