Virgin vs. Chad - Images
![Of course they will Don't be shy, here hold my hand. I'm scared. What if your parents don't like me? I leve you I love you toe, bobel](
![Of course they will Don't be shy, here hold my hand. I'm scared. What if your parents don't like me? I leve you I love you toe, bobel](
Virgin vs. Chad
The Virgin Activist vs The Chad Armchair
!["The Virgin ActiviCHAD ARMCHAIR Clings to symbols and iconography of past, failed movements Always calm and rational, ready to abandon mistaken beliefs without the slightest reluctance if they were ever proven to be incorrect (which is impossible) THE CHAD ARMCHAIR Fantasizes about taking part in Would betray any of his friends or family at a moment's notice if it was in the service of theoretical pedantry -historical battles alongside his Chooses his ideology based on its popularity, mainly guided by desire for social acceptance idols, actually too afraid to even get arrested The whole world waits to hear every one of his theoretical developments. Does not register the Identifies overly strongly with historical figures believes he shares in their accomplishments because of his ideology Extremely emotionally invested emotions or feelings in his views, becomes upset of others at al and angry when any of his positions are challenged Isn't even exactly sure what history is Always forms his own opinions based on a firm foundation of philosophy and critique Doesn't really understand theory , but unhesitatingly upholds the opinions of more popular individuals in the same tendency Understands that ideology is a trap Knows sex doesn't exist, but is swimming in ass nonetheless Bonus Dresses like a teenager Makes fawning posts about historical figures on social media Probably only ever read one book but believes in it 100% Believes in left unity Goes to protests mainly to be seen, but nobody notices or cares about him MANDATORY Has never once in his life left the comfort of his armchair Tries to pester his friends and family into adopting his views, believes he making a real difference Actively refuses any activity but sitting and reading, takes brief breaks only to engage in discourse. Smart, mature attire Perfectly willing and prepared to strangle any of his philosophical influences to death with his bare hands if they were still alive Other leftists fear and loathe him, running away when they hear his name. Thinks his ideology is the only way he'll gain acceptance Hopes it will even get him laid](
!["The Virgin ActiviCHAD ARMCHAIR Clings to symbols and iconography of past, failed movements Always calm and rational, ready to abandon mistaken beliefs without the slightest reluctance if they were ever proven to be incorrect (which is impossible) THE CHAD ARMCHAIR Fantasizes about taking part in Would betray any of his friends or family at a moment's notice if it was in the service of theoretical pedantry -historical battles alongside his Chooses his ideology based on its popularity, mainly guided by desire for social acceptance idols, actually too afraid to even get arrested The whole world waits to hear every one of his theoretical developments. Does not register the Identifies overly strongly with historical figures believes he shares in their accomplishments because of his ideology Extremely emotionally invested emotions or feelings in his views, becomes upset of others at al and angry when any of his positions are challenged Isn't even exactly sure what history is Always forms his own opinions based on a firm foundation of philosophy and critique Doesn't really understand theory , but unhesitatingly upholds the opinions of more popular individuals in the same tendency Understands that ideology is a trap Knows sex doesn't exist, but is swimming in ass nonetheless Bonus Dresses like a teenager Makes fawning posts about historical figures on social media Probably only ever read one book but believes in it 100% Believes in left unity Goes to protests mainly to be seen, but nobody notices or cares about him MANDATORY Has never once in his life left the comfort of his armchair Tries to pester his friends and family into adopting his views, believes he making a real difference Actively refuses any activity but sitting and reading, takes brief breaks only to engage in discourse. Smart, mature attire Perfectly willing and prepared to strangle any of his philosophical influences to death with his bare hands if they were still alive Other leftists fear and loathe him, running away when they hear his name. Thinks his ideology is the only way he'll gain acceptance Hopes it will even get him laid](
Virgin vs. Chad
The Emo Virgin vs The Sad Chad
![the sad cha d the emo virgin conceals his crippling depression through ironic memes and a persona buried underneath countless layers of irony, no one knows if he is actually depressed or not, a total enigma posts emotional monologues on facebook to signal to others that he is depressed sips lean in class lame graphic tees from hot topic and spencer's threatens suicide for attention jokes about suicide ironically wears marijuana references because he smoked weed a couple times, doesn't have a dealer aesthetically pleasing clothing with a highly varied and unique wardrobe weird colorful bracelets constantly lit, is a dealer himself so sad that he appears happy cuts himself for attention, claims the physical pain distracts him from his emotional pain for some reason has never cut himself, physical pain would do nothing as his emotional anguish goes deeper than the material plane hangs out in abandoned buildings and traphouses, prefers squatting to sitting hangs out in malls and sidewalks skinny jeans purchased by mom, not even in black his friends follow the same copy&paste fashion whilst thinking they are unique, tries to have sex with overweight girls with personality disorders but they needs crotchdrop pants to contain his bulge his squad rolls up to every party dressed on point, gets laid multiple times with lit girls after selling them xanax and kush has a guitar and claims to be in a band, has released O albums prefer his slightly less pathetic friends owns a successful cloud rap label unironically a leftist ironically far-right thinks that the nintendo DS is the most recent game console plays xbox 360](
![the sad cha d the emo virgin conceals his crippling depression through ironic memes and a persona buried underneath countless layers of irony, no one knows if he is actually depressed or not, a total enigma posts emotional monologues on facebook to signal to others that he is depressed sips lean in class lame graphic tees from hot topic and spencer's threatens suicide for attention jokes about suicide ironically wears marijuana references because he smoked weed a couple times, doesn't have a dealer aesthetically pleasing clothing with a highly varied and unique wardrobe weird colorful bracelets constantly lit, is a dealer himself so sad that he appears happy cuts himself for attention, claims the physical pain distracts him from his emotional pain for some reason has never cut himself, physical pain would do nothing as his emotional anguish goes deeper than the material plane hangs out in abandoned buildings and traphouses, prefers squatting to sitting hangs out in malls and sidewalks skinny jeans purchased by mom, not even in black his friends follow the same copy&paste fashion whilst thinking they are unique, tries to have sex with overweight girls with personality disorders but they needs crotchdrop pants to contain his bulge his squad rolls up to every party dressed on point, gets laid multiple times with lit girls after selling them xanax and kush has a guitar and claims to be in a band, has released O albums prefer his slightly less pathetic friends owns a successful cloud rap label unironically a leftist ironically far-right thinks that the nintendo DS is the most recent game console plays xbox 360](
Virgin vs. Chad
Virgin Incident vs Chad Plow
![The Virgin "Incident" CL The EHAD PLOnpo 19 injuries 1 landwhale death - mass hvsteria - 13 deaths including children wow his group is never vilified for fear of offending the chad - his attack vilifies his group](
![The Virgin "Incident" CL The EHAD PLOnpo 19 injuries 1 landwhale death - mass hvsteria - 13 deaths including children wow his group is never vilified for fear of offending the chad - his attack vilifies his group](
Virgin vs. Chad
Chad Kim Jong Un
![THE CHAD SUPREME LEADER The Virgin President does not inspire confidence in his allies Vill launch missiles at Guam if he feels like it Could eliminate any US city, chooses not t<o 36% approval rating RICA 지γ weird f------ orange colour Does as he pleases, international community powerless to intervene maintains record economic growth despite unprecedented sanctions Accountable to congress couldn't win election without foreign involvement completley out of his depth, cannot even begin to address the Korean crisis 0 Accountable to no man, not even himself 100% approval rating. doesn't care anyway small hands Asks prostitutes to pee on him has never seen a ballot box in his entire life could not win the popular vote, disliked by the majority of his people Openly sinks enemy ships and gets away with it presides over the collapse of the American-lead world order needs no allies, strong enough to face down the entire world alone vents frustration on twitter, embarrassing himself and his nation master of rhetoric, strikes fear into the enemy and confidence in his people doesn't know what twitter iS](
![THE CHAD SUPREME LEADER The Virgin President does not inspire confidence in his allies Vill launch missiles at Guam if he feels like it Could eliminate any US city, chooses not t<o 36% approval rating RICA 지γ weird f------ orange colour Does as he pleases, international community powerless to intervene maintains record economic growth despite unprecedented sanctions Accountable to congress couldn't win election without foreign involvement completley out of his depth, cannot even begin to address the Korean crisis 0 Accountable to no man, not even himself 100% approval rating. doesn't care anyway small hands Asks prostitutes to pee on him has never seen a ballot box in his entire life could not win the popular vote, disliked by the majority of his people Openly sinks enemy ships and gets away with it presides over the collapse of the American-lead world order needs no allies, strong enough to face down the entire world alone vents frustration on twitter, embarrassing himself and his nation master of rhetoric, strikes fear into the enemy and confidence in his people doesn't know what twitter iS](
Virgin vs. Chad
The Virgin Egg
![Just a NL meme I threw together for the lulz.](
![Just a NL meme I threw together for the lulz.](
Virgin vs. Chad
The Virgin Sip vs. the Chad Quench
![File: 1502196791645 ing (218 KB, 902x1200) Anonymous 08/1017(Thu 07:41:17 No 42458100·4458164-4245520->>424 osi-asag Anonymous08/10/17 Th 5255№42456761、295 767 > 4 45 3162 424 K19 24583272 4245 3312 424 359 > 424 3732 424 3742 4245 39 > 42458414 T days l this kid literally brought a jug of wate to class and is just drinking out of t.i hate college and i hate white people How big can my water bottles be before it starts to get me laughed at? I never realized this was a problem.I always use hose large pepsi bottlies. 42471844247905 3042471952 Anonymous 08/10/17(Thuj03:54 02 No.42456767 42456761 (OP Domminate the room, do what i do,get one of those 15L water cooler bottles and bring it to class slung over one shoulder, slam that mothertucker on the ground in the alsle Everytime you feel a litle thirsty stand up,lilt the bottle to your mouth with both arms, make sure you spll penty of water over yourself and the floor every time you do, also, let out deep, loud, exhalation of satisfaction atter every sip, then finish the routine by slamming the bottle on the ground again before loudly saying "ptew,i needed that, I was getting a bit THIRSTY" yell thirsty as loud as you can Virgin Sip AD GUZZ When class finishes, pick up the bottle in such a way that the remainder pours out as you leave the room. GLUB GLUB gag GLUB The Virgin Sip THE CHAD QUENCH Primal insincts measure ocal humidity to withi Genuinely enoys dinking water Existentially THIRSTY fve decimal Beauttul ountain confrontation wolds eye contact with other drinkers smooth, wel hydraled skn Never seen without ample hydration Drinks quicky belore the fourntai cold and hus his ewt cne and olily skin fom poor hydration netais from poory aintained pipes fen mistakes thirst or hunger Women LOVE his wa Dangerously yellow eels awkward carrying a waler botle,worries about igh quality disliled wate, aiways ice cold Expends zero effort holding massive jugs, lits them trough force of personlity being judged on botle size Low water consumption, aaid f urinating more ha nce per da Patently waits in line Uhine meets EPA standands for drinking Has never experienced ways happy to shar Drinks whenever he esires Knowledgeabie about the health benlts of ptmum hydration UNICEF names clean water projects afer him Waks to the take one (1) sip afer every set water fountain to](
![File: 1502196791645 ing (218 KB, 902x1200) Anonymous 08/1017(Thu 07:41:17 No 42458100·4458164-4245520->>424 osi-asag Anonymous08/10/17 Th 5255№42456761、295 767 > 4 45 3162 424 K19 24583272 4245 3312 424 359 > 424 3732 424 3742 4245 39 > 42458414 T days l this kid literally brought a jug of wate to class and is just drinking out of t.i hate college and i hate white people How big can my water bottles be before it starts to get me laughed at? I never realized this was a problem.I always use hose large pepsi bottlies. 42471844247905 3042471952 Anonymous 08/10/17(Thuj03:54 02 No.42456767 42456761 (OP Domminate the room, do what i do,get one of those 15L water cooler bottles and bring it to class slung over one shoulder, slam that mothertucker on the ground in the alsle Everytime you feel a litle thirsty stand up,lilt the bottle to your mouth with both arms, make sure you spll penty of water over yourself and the floor every time you do, also, let out deep, loud, exhalation of satisfaction atter every sip, then finish the routine by slamming the bottle on the ground again before loudly saying "ptew,i needed that, I was getting a bit THIRSTY" yell thirsty as loud as you can Virgin Sip AD GUZZ When class finishes, pick up the bottle in such a way that the remainder pours out as you leave the room. GLUB GLUB gag GLUB The Virgin Sip THE CHAD QUENCH Primal insincts measure ocal humidity to withi Genuinely enoys dinking water Existentially THIRSTY fve decimal Beauttul ountain confrontation wolds eye contact with other drinkers smooth, wel hydraled skn Never seen without ample hydration Drinks quicky belore the fourntai cold and hus his ewt cne and olily skin fom poor hydration netais from poory aintained pipes fen mistakes thirst or hunger Women LOVE his wa Dangerously yellow eels awkward carrying a waler botle,worries about igh quality disliled wate, aiways ice cold Expends zero effort holding massive jugs, lits them trough force of personlity being judged on botle size Low water consumption, aaid f urinating more ha nce per da Patently waits in line Uhine meets EPA standands for drinking Has never experienced ways happy to shar Drinks whenever he esires Knowledgeabie about the health benlts of ptmum hydration UNICEF names clean water projects afer him Waks to the take one (1) sip afer every set water fountain to](
Virgin vs. Chad
The Virgin Team
![The Virgin Team The Chad Dynasty Veteran 4B h as killer instinct in games. elieves a functional run game is for Won two Super Bowts Has had no success since the 90s Put full trust in rookie QB who plays too conservatively against the one of the greatest d.Bs of all time inferior spuAds. Stroną playoff runs in past decade Half of the team has Top RB is an unlawful p------------. been arrested Overachieves in regular season only to play like garbage come January Won two playoff games in last twenty years Apart froma kicker, team has a clean track record. ny TeAm won all Super Top wide receiver is massively overrated Defense is as strong as a cardboard box uggernant secondary with a very effective defensive line. Bowls as underdoqs Top wide receiver has made fastest clim to success a player could make. Majority of fans are cocky assholes who live Shamelessly boasts that they re America's Team even though they haven't been relevant in this millenium more than 2,000 miles Team lays low among other successful teams despite recent away from home stadium An Success a good understanding ,f the game and isn't full ofbandwagoners.](
![The Virgin Team The Chad Dynasty Veteran 4B h as killer instinct in games. elieves a functional run game is for Won two Super Bowts Has had no success since the 90s Put full trust in rookie QB who plays too conservatively against the one of the greatest d.Bs of all time inferior spuAds. Stroną playoff runs in past decade Half of the team has Top RB is an unlawful p------------. been arrested Overachieves in regular season only to play like garbage come January Won two playoff games in last twenty years Apart froma kicker, team has a clean track record. ny TeAm won all Super Top wide receiver is massively overrated Defense is as strong as a cardboard box uggernant secondary with a very effective defensive line. Bowls as underdoqs Top wide receiver has made fastest clim to success a player could make. Majority of fans are cocky assholes who live Shamelessly boasts that they re America's Team even though they haven't been relevant in this millenium more than 2,000 miles Team lays low among other successful teams despite recent away from home stadium An Success a good understanding ,f the game and isn't full ofbandwagoners.](
Virgin vs. Chad
I can't tell who's crazier
![The Virgin President THE CHAD SUPREME LEADER does not inspire confidence in his allies Will launch missiles at Guam if he feels like it Could eliminate any US city, chooses not to 36% approval rating weird f------ orange colour Does as he pleases, international community powerless to intervene Accountable to congress maintains record economic growth despite couldn't win election without foreign involvement completley out of his depth, cannot even begin to address the Korean crisis Accountable to no man not even himself 100% approval rating doesn't care anyway small hands Asks prostitutes to pee on him has never seen a ballot box in his could not win the popular vote, disliked by the majority of his people Openly sinks enemy ships and gets away with it presides over the collapse of the American-lead world order needs no allies, strong enough to face down the entire world alone vents frustration on twitter, embarrassing himself and his nation master of rhetoric, strikes fear into the enemy and confidence in his people doesn't know what twitter is](
![The Virgin President THE CHAD SUPREME LEADER does not inspire confidence in his allies Will launch missiles at Guam if he feels like it Could eliminate any US city, chooses not to 36% approval rating weird f------ orange colour Does as he pleases, international community powerless to intervene Accountable to congress maintains record economic growth despite couldn't win election without foreign involvement completley out of his depth, cannot even begin to address the Korean crisis Accountable to no man not even himself 100% approval rating doesn't care anyway small hands Asks prostitutes to pee on him has never seen a ballot box in his could not win the popular vote, disliked by the majority of his people Openly sinks enemy ships and gets away with it presides over the collapse of the American-lead world order needs no allies, strong enough to face down the entire world alone vents frustration on twitter, embarrassing himself and his nation master of rhetoric, strikes fear into the enemy and confidence in his people doesn't know what twitter is](
Virgin vs. Chad
Spitting Fire
!["The Virgin Rally" THE CHAD RADICAL Spent hours making his "costume" Neck too thin to strap helmet properly loses it in five minutes Shouts "We support you" at police while they hit him Came with just a 99c can of aerosol Has Pan-African flag never left his home state Makes flame that reaches national news Little cuck flag Attached to make his weapon legally compliant RWDS possibly stands for rear wheel drive system Muscles that puzzle biologists Underwear exposed, likes it Pants only held up by Chad stride Supports edgy ideology ironically Secretly supports it unironically Shield made of wood Too poor to afford better materials Selflessly defends the white race from itself](
!["The Virgin Rally" THE CHAD RADICAL Spent hours making his "costume" Neck too thin to strap helmet properly loses it in five minutes Shouts "We support you" at police while they hit him Came with just a 99c can of aerosol Has Pan-African flag never left his home state Makes flame that reaches national news Little cuck flag Attached to make his weapon legally compliant RWDS possibly stands for rear wheel drive system Muscles that puzzle biologists Underwear exposed, likes it Pants only held up by Chad stride Supports edgy ideology ironically Secretly supports it unironically Shield made of wood Too poor to afford better materials Selflessly defends the white race from itself](
Virgin vs. Chad
The Virgin Follower VS The Chad Mutual
![tries too hard kind, funny, friendly person The Virgin Followers t The Chad Mutuals self-interested posts about loving their mutuals, which makes you feel good understands your personality and mental state, will not leave inappropriate comments -says the word "fandom, unironically turns everything into discourse then mocks "the discourse has good opinions #me, #same 100 followers, jokes about vore get no notes either a decent amount of followers, or doesn't care about number of followers will like and reblog and nothing more, will make their own posts when its their turn hey do you accept constructive criticism on your posts? attempts to hijack other peoples posts with their own jokes may not share your interests or sense of humor, but is happy for you either way responds to your posts in likes and responds to your posts because they seek validation likes and responds to your posts because they are your friend and legitimately like you creative and interesting ways, making them better "ha ha this is actually really interesting because..." needlessly vocal about their lack of understanding of absurdist humor understands that you're a human the only reason you come back to this site will write a call-out of you at the drop of the hat](
![tries too hard kind, funny, friendly person The Virgin Followers t The Chad Mutuals self-interested posts about loving their mutuals, which makes you feel good understands your personality and mental state, will not leave inappropriate comments -says the word "fandom, unironically turns everything into discourse then mocks "the discourse has good opinions #me, #same 100 followers, jokes about vore get no notes either a decent amount of followers, or doesn't care about number of followers will like and reblog and nothing more, will make their own posts when its their turn hey do you accept constructive criticism on your posts? attempts to hijack other peoples posts with their own jokes may not share your interests or sense of humor, but is happy for you either way responds to your posts in likes and responds to your posts because they seek validation likes and responds to your posts because they are your friend and legitimately like you creative and interesting ways, making them better "ha ha this is actually really interesting because..." needlessly vocal about their lack of understanding of absurdist humor understands that you're a human the only reason you come back to this site will write a call-out of you at the drop of the hat](
Virgin vs. Chad
Ram and Plow
![The virgin ram THE CHAD PLOW Kills white people for his "religion" Has to steal trucks to stop from being discovered PART OF SOME MILITIA USES HIS OWN CAR Uses a truck, hands too small to handle a normal truck DOESN'T CARE ABOUT 40 YEAR OLD BOOMER USING HIS CAR TARGETS COMMUNISTS AND N------ Virgin, thinks he is saving tor his 74 virgins POLICE DOESN'T EVEN REACT BANG! Kills himself to stop himself from bein;g arrested EYES PIERCE THE SOULS OF THE REDS HE JUST KILLED USA PATRIOT Middle eastern cuck](
![The virgin ram THE CHAD PLOW Kills white people for his "religion" Has to steal trucks to stop from being discovered PART OF SOME MILITIA USES HIS OWN CAR Uses a truck, hands too small to handle a normal truck DOESN'T CARE ABOUT 40 YEAR OLD BOOMER USING HIS CAR TARGETS COMMUNISTS AND N------ Virgin, thinks he is saving tor his 74 virgins POLICE DOESN'T EVEN REACT BANG! Kills himself to stop himself from bein;g arrested EYES PIERCE THE SOULS OF THE REDS HE JUST KILLED USA PATRIOT Middle eastern cuck](
Virgin vs. Chad
virgin aiden chad marcus
![positive, can-do attitude even in the face of defeat THE VIRGIN AIDEN THE CHAD MARCUS DEDSEC won't shut the f--- up about dead niece vibrant, magnetic personality that clicks with virtually everyone he meets simple but stylish jacket that can swapped out for literally hundreds of other clothing items Lonewolf because he has no friends only woman in his life was a wanna-be suicide girl who died before he even had a chance with her ugly trench coat that can only be swapped out for other trench coats 3D-printed fully-automatic shotgun with batshit ridiculous paintjob gets cucked by former mentor can only do speed vaults, tic-tacs, and basic PK rolls EDSEC can perform a wide variety of parkour and freerunning moves; ostensibly knows the difference between parkour and freerunning could easily thunderfuck Sitara if he tried Beretta Px4 Storm that only uses 10-round magazines because gun control eventually cucks some f----- with a manbun gay nickname: "The Fox" s----- one-dimensional hacks Sup3r 1337 h4xx0ir nickname: "retr0" uses quadcopter to create AND remotely pilot carbombs into his enemies](
![positive, can-do attitude even in the face of defeat THE VIRGIN AIDEN THE CHAD MARCUS DEDSEC won't shut the f--- up about dead niece vibrant, magnetic personality that clicks with virtually everyone he meets simple but stylish jacket that can swapped out for literally hundreds of other clothing items Lonewolf because he has no friends only woman in his life was a wanna-be suicide girl who died before he even had a chance with her ugly trench coat that can only be swapped out for other trench coats 3D-printed fully-automatic shotgun with batshit ridiculous paintjob gets cucked by former mentor can only do speed vaults, tic-tacs, and basic PK rolls EDSEC can perform a wide variety of parkour and freerunning moves; ostensibly knows the difference between parkour and freerunning could easily thunderfuck Sitara if he tried Beretta Px4 Storm that only uses 10-round magazines because gun control eventually cucks some f----- with a manbun gay nickname: "The Fox" s----- one-dimensional hacks Sup3r 1337 h4xx0ir nickname: "retr0" uses quadcopter to create AND remotely pilot carbombs into his enemies](
Virgin vs. Chad
The Chad Supreme Leader
![THE CHAD SUPREME LEADER The Virgin President does not inspire confidence in his allies Will launch missiles at Guam if he feels like it Could eliminate any US city, chooses not to AkE 36% approval rating weird f------ orange colour Does as he pleases, international community powerless to intervene maintains record economic growth despite unprecedented sanctions Accountable to congress completley out of his depth, cannot even begin to address the Korean crisis couldn't win election without foreign involvement Accountable to no man, not even himself 100% approval rating. doesn't care anyway small hands Asks prostitutes to pee on him has never seen a ballot box in his entire life could not win the popular vote, disliked by the majority of his people Openly sinks enemy ships and gets away with it presides over the collapse of the American-lead world order needs no allies, strong enough to face down the entire world alone vents frustration on twitter embarrassing himself and his nation master of rhetoric, strikes fear into the enemy and confidence in his people doesn't know what twitter is](
![THE CHAD SUPREME LEADER The Virgin President does not inspire confidence in his allies Will launch missiles at Guam if he feels like it Could eliminate any US city, chooses not to AkE 36% approval rating weird f------ orange colour Does as he pleases, international community powerless to intervene maintains record economic growth despite unprecedented sanctions Accountable to congress completley out of his depth, cannot even begin to address the Korean crisis couldn't win election without foreign involvement Accountable to no man, not even himself 100% approval rating. doesn't care anyway small hands Asks prostitutes to pee on him has never seen a ballot box in his entire life could not win the popular vote, disliked by the majority of his people Openly sinks enemy ships and gets away with it presides over the collapse of the American-lead world order needs no allies, strong enough to face down the entire world alone vents frustration on twitter embarrassing himself and his nation master of rhetoric, strikes fear into the enemy and confidence in his people doesn't know what twitter is](
Virgin vs. Chad
Killing Floor
![The Virgin Sharpshooter THE CHAD BERSERKER always keeps the distance from zeds tries to take as less damage as possible always takes as much damage as his body can handle runs into every zed he meets buys weapons of his perk only because they are the most cheap and effective makes scrakes and fleshpounds to charge at him or at others buys the most expensive weapons of random perks KIlls Scrakes and fleshpounds carefully, often with help of teammates carries as many weapons as he can because he will run incredibly fast anyway takes only the most important weapons because it affects his running speed aims on the head when shooting to deal as much damage as possible doesn't care about hitting the head, just swings his blade constantly meets his teammates only when stands near the trader always stays close to his teammates in order to be protected by them drops all his weapons and money before leaving the game if he has 99999f and has decided to leave the game he will do it immediately if there is a field medic nearby he will stand still to let the medic heal him ever shares money because convinced that it's his money only shares money with anybody who lacks them will not leave a single chance for a medic to heal him even if he has only 1 hp doesn't even know about syringe uses a syringe to heal others or himself](
![The Virgin Sharpshooter THE CHAD BERSERKER always keeps the distance from zeds tries to take as less damage as possible always takes as much damage as his body can handle runs into every zed he meets buys weapons of his perk only because they are the most cheap and effective makes scrakes and fleshpounds to charge at him or at others buys the most expensive weapons of random perks KIlls Scrakes and fleshpounds carefully, often with help of teammates carries as many weapons as he can because he will run incredibly fast anyway takes only the most important weapons because it affects his running speed aims on the head when shooting to deal as much damage as possible doesn't care about hitting the head, just swings his blade constantly meets his teammates only when stands near the trader always stays close to his teammates in order to be protected by them drops all his weapons and money before leaving the game if he has 99999f and has decided to leave the game he will do it immediately if there is a field medic nearby he will stand still to let the medic heal him ever shares money because convinced that it's his money only shares money with anybody who lacks them will not leave a single chance for a medic to heal him even if he has only 1 hp doesn't even know about syringe uses a syringe to heal others or himself](
Virgin vs. Chad
Cure-Chad and Virgin-bola
![Small brain from only learning about s----- memes The S----- Loli Big brain due to going to college and reading everyday Overflowing lush hair that reacts beautifully in the wind. Over 20 shampoos and conditioners used to achieve this THE CURE STRI head slouched forward to avoid talking about being a dead meme Always ready to look you in the eyes to ask how you feel Hair that smells like n------ and blood Prevents germs or spreading germs by wearing mask Uses gloves to ensure no spread of disease or any germs small t---, gets jealous at bigger t--- back hunched over due to watching anime for pictures to edit Ebola-chan into No curves or any signs of being healthy Big muscles from lifting paitents into the ambulance B-------, showing healthiness and longevity Struggles to draw with comfortable hand form Has bloody hands, but still can't spread her dead disease Arms constantly flailing due to drawing beautiful works of art Proud arched back to confidently talk about curing diseases and preventing s----- memes No stockings, showing too much skin and exposing her as a slut Skipped leg day, can barely walk 2 miles without getting tired Wide hips, perfect for insemination to help families have a children Some skin to show that she's a woman but not a slut S----- boots that aren't useful for walking anywhere Stockings to convey a sense of being dassy and ladylike Tap dancing shoes to entertain her patients](
![Small brain from only learning about s----- memes The S----- Loli Big brain due to going to college and reading everyday Overflowing lush hair that reacts beautifully in the wind. Over 20 shampoos and conditioners used to achieve this THE CURE STRI head slouched forward to avoid talking about being a dead meme Always ready to look you in the eyes to ask how you feel Hair that smells like n------ and blood Prevents germs or spreading germs by wearing mask Uses gloves to ensure no spread of disease or any germs small t---, gets jealous at bigger t--- back hunched over due to watching anime for pictures to edit Ebola-chan into No curves or any signs of being healthy Big muscles from lifting paitents into the ambulance B-------, showing healthiness and longevity Struggles to draw with comfortable hand form Has bloody hands, but still can't spread her dead disease Arms constantly flailing due to drawing beautiful works of art Proud arched back to confidently talk about curing diseases and preventing s----- memes No stockings, showing too much skin and exposing her as a slut Skipped leg day, can barely walk 2 miles without getting tired Wide hips, perfect for insemination to help families have a children Some skin to show that she's a woman but not a slut S----- boots that aren't useful for walking anywhere Stockings to convey a sense of being dassy and ladylike Tap dancing shoes to entertain her patients](
Virgin vs. Chad