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Know Your Meme is a website dedicated to documenting Internet phenomena: viral videos, image macros, catchphrases, web celebs and more.
YouTube's 301st Point of View Explained
The enduring mystery of "301" view counter freeze in YouTube videos finally gets a proper explanation.
Google Research: YouTube is Full of Cats
No kidding, right? The widespread notion that "YouTube is made of cats" just got a lot more legit with the latest findings from a brain simulation research project by Google and Stanford University.
Jessi Slaughter Returns
Jessica Leonhardt has returned to YouTube and appears to be going through a new phase referring to herself as "Damien."
Skeptical Third World Success Kid
So, someone I've never met just wants to give me 65ยข a day?
Overly Attached Girlfriend Identified
The subject of the Internet's latest creepy stalker girlfriend meme has been identified as 20-year-old Laina Walker.