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in reply to Icecane

What I want to see is an episode where Rachnee molts. I've been thinking about it for like a week.

>Rachnee's been in her room for a while. Just keeps telling the others to go away. Eventually, she stops answering so they finally work up the courage to break down the door.
>All they find is a desiccated husk.
>All hell breaks loose. Miia faints. Papi and Suu are sobbing. Cerea's trying not to throw up. Mero's having a fucking tragedy orgasm. Lala's just in the corner muttering shit.
>They can't find Darling. They decide he must have accidentally killed Rachnee and run away.
>Decide they have to keep it a secret from Smith. They dig a hole to bury her in the backyard.
>Halfway through the service, Rachnee shows up.
>"What the hell are you doing? Ew, you were touching that thing?"
>All hell breaks loose again. Miia faints again. Everyone else has to stop Suu from joy-raping Rachnee.
>She explains that she shed her skin. Since some spiders mate at this time (a female can't eat the male while she's callow, or soft) Arachnes tend to get especially horny, plus they can cuddle without worrying about the sharp exoskeleton cutting flesh. So after she emerged from her old exoskeleton, she decided to abduct Kimihito.
>They find him tied up on the attic ceiling.
>Turns out Lala knew all along Rachnee wasn't dead, but she went with it because everyone was wearing black and talking about funerals and stuff.


in reply to Ryan Matthew

hurt? no feathers are dead structures, like hair. Molting is a slow healthy process that all birds do to replace old and damaged feathers with new ones.
Though stressed related molting is it's own thing, which can also be caused by illness, stress, boredom, or low/high humidity. Any of which could make an interesting episode though. "I'm so bored I started molting! play games with me!"


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