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The Correct Gender And Sexuality Lions, also known as The Correct Sex And Sexuality Lions, refers to the illustrated infographic featuring anthropomorphic blue lion and pink lioness depicting male and female genders and the view that there are only two genders, rejecting non-binary identities, and how sexualities are meant to be used. It was made by Cynderthedragon5768 and uploaded to DeviantArt and Tumblr in November 2017.

The illustration became the subject of Photoshopping and fanart mocking it and criticizing it for its inaccuracies.


On November 7th, 2017, the user Cynderthedragon5768 posted the illustration titled "Correct sex and sexuality lions" on DeviantArt[1] and Tumblr[2]. It was stated that it was inspired by Gender Unicorn. As of March 2025, it garnered over 85K views and 360 favorites on DeviantArt.

The correct gender and sexuality lions MEN HAVE XY CHROMOSOMES WOMEN DO NOT. WOMEN HAVE XX CHROMOSOMES MEN DO NOT. On some rare occasions a male can be born with XX chromosomes, and a female can be born with XY chromosomes. This is, however, extremely RARE and does not make the female a man, or the man a female. The man will still have full funtional testicles and penis. The female will still have a fully funtional vagina. Women produce ESTROGEN. This is what makes a woman a woman. It is responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics. Estrogen is what makes females typically more emotional and 'girly' compared to men. A man with extra levels of estrogen does not make him a woman. Men produce TETOSTERONE. This is what makes a man a man. Tetosterone is the primary male sex hormone and plays a key role in the development and regulation of the male reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics. Tetosterone helps with the dragon muscle development and hair growth. Tetosterone is what makes men for aggresive and 'manly' compared to women. P E IS S Men have a penis and testicles. The testicles produce SEMEN, which is used to fertilize female eggs. WOMEN DO NOT HAVE PENIS OR TESTICLES AND CANNOT PRODUCE SPERM. There are only TWO SEXES MALE and FEMALE 99.8% of all people identify as the sex they were born with. Cynder the SEX GENDER (No matter what your feelings claim) Sex and gender are the same thing. There is no difference. A male born with a penis can claim he is a woman, but this is factuallu a biologically incorrect (and vice-versa for women) If you were born with a penis: you're a MAN. If you're born with a vagina: you're a WOMAN. Woman have breast. They lactate milk to feed their young. Men CANNOT. (No matter how much feminist tell you otherwise) BREASTS Women have a vagina. MEN DO NOT. Once a month for a 5-7 day time the vagina will bleed. This is caused by the inner walls of the uterus thickening to prepare for a baby. If the eggs are not fertilized the inner walls will release the lining, resulting in the blood. MEN DO NOT HAVE PERIODS. Women have two eggs and one uterus. The eggs are fertilized by sperm, resulting in a baby. The uterus is used VAGINA to gestate and baby. The baby develops in the WOMB. MEN DO NOT AND CANNOT HAVE WOMBS, EGGS, OR UTERUS'. SEXUALITY(S) STRAIGHT Straight means you are only AIGHT attracted to people of your opposite sex. No exceptions: If you are attracted to someone of the same sex you CANNOT BE STRAIGHT. BISEXUAL Bisexual means you are attracted to both people of the opposite and same sex. No exceptions: if you are not attracted to someone of the same as well as the opposite sex, then you CANNOT BE BISEXUAL. HOMOSEXUAL Homosexual means you are only attracted to your ASEXUAL same sex. No exceptions: if you are attracted to the opposite sex then you CANNOT BE GAY. STOP LYING YOUR FEELINGS ARE NOT FACTS Asexual means you are not attracted to anyone regardless of their gender. TO CHILDREN. Asexual people do not engage in any kind of sexual activities, and most real asexuals say they do not feel sexual arousal. Asexual people have been known to be in relationships, but do not engage in sex. No exceptions: if you engage in sexual activities of any kind you CANNOT BE ASEXUAL. Sengertjuia 'Genderfluid' DOES NOT EXIST. It is a made up term. You cannot be both a man and a woman. If you have a vagina and dress as a man, that does not make you a man. If you have a penis and dress as a girl, that does not make you a girl. Sex isn't a inter- changable outfit. Being transgender is not genderfluid. Females only ever transition to males, and Males only transition to females. MEN CANNOT GIVE BIRTH OR BECOME PREGNANT, OR LACTATE. A FTM giving birth is not a 'man' giving birth because he is biologically a woman. WOMAN CANNOT PRODUCE SPERM. A MTF winning a 'worlds tallest woman' award shouldn't count because they are biologically a male, thus taller than a female.


On May 12, 2018, an X / Twitter[3] user @theultrahand posted a tweet that garnered 2,297 likes and 660 retweets as of May 14, 2018.

shut @theultrahand someone made TERF furry propaganda The correct gender and sexuality lions MEN HAVE XY CHROMOSOMES WOMEN DO NOT WOMEN HAVE XXX CHROMOSOMES MEN DO NOT On some accesione male can be born with chromosomes, and female con be born with comes. This is however, extremely RARE and does not make the female a man, or the man a female. The man will still have full funtional testicles and penis. The female will still have a fully funtional vagina. Women produce This is what makes women woman. It is responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics. Estrogen is what makes females typically more emotional and compared to men. A man with extra levels of estrogen does not make him a women Men produce TETOSTERONE. This is what makes a man aman Tetosterone is the primary male sex hormone and plays a key role in the development and regulation of the male reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics. Tetosterone helps with muscle development and hair growth. Tetosterone is what makes men for aggresive and 'manly' compared to women There are only TWO SEXES MALE and FEMALE 99.8% of all people identify as the sex they were born with. SEX GENDER (No matter what your feelings claim) Sex and gender are the same thing. There is no difference. A male born with a penis con claim he is a woman, but this is factuall a biologically incorrect (and vice-versa for women) If you were born with a penis: you're a MAN. If you're born with a vagina: you're a WOMAN. BREASTS можен ро мог но C VAGINA SEXUALITY(S) Straight means you are only TRAIGHT attracted to people of your opposite sex. No exceptions: If you are attracted to someone of the same YOUR sex you CANNOT BE STRAIGHT BISEXUAL Bexual means you are attracted to both people of the opposite and some sex No exceptions: if you are not offracted to someone of the same as well as the opposite sex, then you CANNOT BE BISEXUAL HOMOSEXUAL Homosexual means you are only attracted to your ACEVILAL No exceptions: if you are attracted to the opposite sex then you CANNOT BE GAY STOP LYING FEELINGS ARE NOT FACTS Asexual means you are not attracted to anyone regardless of their gender. TO CHILDREN, Asexual people do not engage in any kind of sexual activities, and most real asexuals say they do not feel sexual arousal. Asexual people have been known to be in relationships, but do not engage in sex No exceptions: if you engage in sexual activities of any kind you CANNOT BE ASEXUAL 8:24 PM - 12 May 2018 Being Gengert juid Genderfluid' DOES NOT EXIST. It is a made up term. You cannot be both a man and a woman. If you have a vagina and dress as a man, that does not make you a man. If you have a penis and dress as a girl, that does not make you a girl. Sex isn't a inter- changable outfi Females only ever transition transgender is not to males, and Males only transition to females. MEN CANNOT GIVE BIRTH OR BECOME PREGNANT, OR LACTATE. AFTM giving birth is not a 'man' giving birth because he is biologically a WOMAN CANNOT PRODUCE SPE woman. A MTF winning a 'worlds tallest woman' award shouldn't count because they are biologically a male, thus taller than a female.

Following the aforementioned tweet, on May 13th, 2018, another X / Twitter user @JUNIUS_64 posted a tweet stating the lioness' ability to have manes against the original illustration.

juni eA BLFC SOON @JUNIUS_64 it might interest the author of the "correct gender" lions thing to know that maned lionesses are a relatively common phenomenon, they have elevated testosterone and demonstrate both male and female behaviors, hmm maybe choose a different animal for your TERF propaganda next time 7:46 PM - May 13, 2018

With the increasing exposure to the image, it became a popular subject of Photoshops mocking it and artwork supporting LGBT rights in contrast to the original image.

As the original deviation received an overwhelming amount of comments criticizing it, Cynderthedragon5768 disabled the comment section and made a deviation responding to mistakes and allegations of transphobia on May 14th, 2018 before its deletion.

HEY FUCKWITS Yea, you. If you have the brain compacity to stop flinging your own feces at the screen for a second and you can actually read that be good. -I know their called ovaries assholes I know there are some spelling erroes I used lions because I can't draw people they're not representative of real f------ lions. I didn't include trans people here because real transgender people aren't f------ morons and know biology. This is the last The correct gender and sexuality lions MEN HAVE CHROMOSOMES There are only TWO SEXES MALE and FEMALE SEXUALITY(S) sex. No exceptions. If you are oftracted someone of the some YOUR BISEXUAL do people of the opposite ARE NOT as well as the opposite sex then you CANNOT BE BESEXUAL HO SEXUAL salmon you are only offracted to your ACEVITAL FACTS 99.8% of all people identify as the sex they were born with = SEX GENDER engert jud D is a mode up term. You cannot be both a man and a HEN CANNOT GIVE BIRTH OR BECOME PREGNANT, OR LACTATE Asexual means you are not oftracted to anyone regardless of their gender. TO CHILDREN. AFTM giving birth is not a 'mon giving birth because he is biologically bind CANNOT BE ASEXUAL I'm gonna say on the Cynder der the dragon 5768. matter. If you con- tinue to think this has anything to do with real transgend er people you're a d------. Continu e to fling your own s--- all you want. WOMAN CANNOT PRODUCE The image had nothing, and still has nothing to do with real trans people. This image w as entirely directed at the trans-trender crowds who make real transgender people look like a f------ joke. The "I have 5 genders, I cut my hair, I'm a agender neutries gender sexual gender- woman otherkin" kinda s---. The "put a flower in my hair I'mma girl today” s---. If you have to be told real trans gender people are real you're a f------ moron. This image had nothing to do with them. I made this image entirely an inspired by my real fransgender friends who them, and what they go through every day to be the gender they wanna be, made to look like its just a fashion trend by the tumblr f----. If you wanna believe you're a pillow sexual nongendered otherkin good for you. But like the fact no one is gonna convince me a bearded sky man made people outta dust no one is gonna convince me to use fee fii fo fum as your gender. Stop making real transgender people look like they're trying on a new fashion every day. They're not, gender dysphoria isn't a outfit.

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External References

[1] DeviantArt – Cynderthedragon5768

[2] Tumblr – feebleturtleduck-artz

[3] Twitter – theultrahand

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Correct Gender And Sexuality Lions

Correct Gender And Sexuality Lions

Updated Mar 20, 2025 at 03:08PM EDT by Doqqo.

Added Mar 20, 2025 at 05:19AM EDT by Doqqo.

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The Correct Gender And Sexuality Lions, also known as The Correct Sex And Sexuality Lions, refers to the illustrated infographic featuring anthropomorphic blue lion and pink lioness depicting male and female genders and the view that there are only two genders, rejecting non-binary identities, and how sexualities are meant to be used. It was made by Cynderthedragon5768 and uploaded to DeviantArt and Tumblr in November 2017.

The illustration became the subject of Photoshopping and fanart mocking it and criticizing it for its inaccuracies.


On November 7th, 2017, the user Cynderthedragon5768 posted the illustration titled "Correct sex and sexuality lions" on DeviantArt[1] and Tumblr[2]. It was stated that it was inspired by Gender Unicorn. As of March 2025, it garnered over 85K views and 360 favorites on DeviantArt.

The correct gender and sexuality lions MEN HAVE XY CHROMOSOMES WOMEN DO NOT. WOMEN HAVE XX CHROMOSOMES MEN DO NOT. On some rare occasions a male can be born with XX chromosomes, and a female can be born with XY chromosomes. This is, however, extremely RARE and does not make the female a man, or the man a female. The man will still have full funtional testicles and penis. The female will still have a fully funtional vagina. Women produce ESTROGEN. This is what makes a woman a woman. It is responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics. Estrogen is what makes females typically more emotional and 'girly' compared to men. A man with extra levels of estrogen does not make him a woman. Men produce TETOSTERONE. This is what makes a man a man. Tetosterone is the primary male sex hormone and plays a key role in the development and regulation of the male reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics. Tetosterone helps with the dragon muscle development and hair growth. Tetosterone is what makes men for aggresive and 'manly' compared to women. P E IS S Men have a penis and testicles. The testicles produce SEMEN, which is used to fertilize female eggs. WOMEN DO NOT HAVE PENIS OR TESTICLES AND CANNOT PRODUCE SPERM. There are only TWO SEXES MALE and FEMALE 99.8% of all people identify as the sex they were born with. Cynder the SEX GENDER (No matter what your feelings claim) Sex and gender are the same thing. There is no difference. A male born with a penis can claim he is a woman, but this is factuallu a biologically incorrect (and vice-versa for women) If you were born with a penis: you're a MAN. If you're born with a vagina: you're a WOMAN. Woman have breast. They lactate milk to feed their young. Men CANNOT. (No matter how much feminist tell you otherwise) BREASTS Women have a vagina. MEN DO NOT. Once a month for a 5-7 day time the vagina will bleed. This is caused by the inner walls of the uterus thickening to prepare for a baby. If the eggs are not fertilized the inner walls will release the lining, resulting in the blood. MEN DO NOT HAVE PERIODS. Women have two eggs and one uterus. The eggs are fertilized by sperm, resulting in a baby. The uterus is used VAGINA to gestate and baby. The baby develops in the WOMB. MEN DO NOT AND CANNOT HAVE WOMBS, EGGS, OR UTERUS'. SEXUALITY(S) STRAIGHT Straight means you are only AIGHT attracted to people of your opposite sex. No exceptions: If you are attracted to someone of the same sex you CANNOT BE STRAIGHT. BISEXUAL Bisexual means you are attracted to both people of the opposite and same sex. No exceptions: if you are not attracted to someone of the same as well as the opposite sex, then you CANNOT BE BISEXUAL. HOMOSEXUAL Homosexual means you are only attracted to your ASEXUAL same sex. No exceptions: if you are attracted to the opposite sex then you CANNOT BE GAY. STOP LYING YOUR FEELINGS ARE NOT FACTS Asexual means you are not attracted to anyone regardless of their gender. TO CHILDREN. Asexual people do not engage in any kind of sexual activities, and most real asexuals say they do not feel sexual arousal. Asexual people have been known to be in relationships, but do not engage in sex. No exceptions: if you engage in sexual activities of any kind you CANNOT BE ASEXUAL. Sengertjuia 'Genderfluid' DOES NOT EXIST. It is a made up term. You cannot be both a man and a woman. If you have a vagina and dress as a man, that does not make you a man. If you have a penis and dress as a girl, that does not make you a girl. Sex isn't a inter- changable outfit. Being transgender is not genderfluid. Females only ever transition to males, and Males only transition to females. MEN CANNOT GIVE BIRTH OR BECOME PREGNANT, OR LACTATE. A FTM giving birth is not a 'man' giving birth because he is biologically a woman. WOMAN CANNOT PRODUCE SPERM. A MTF winning a 'worlds tallest woman' award shouldn't count because they are biologically a male, thus taller than a female.


On May 12, 2018, an X / Twitter[3] user @theultrahand posted a tweet that garnered 2,297 likes and 660 retweets as of May 14, 2018.

shut @theultrahand someone made TERF furry propaganda The correct gender and sexuality lions MEN HAVE XY CHROMOSOMES WOMEN DO NOT WOMEN HAVE XXX CHROMOSOMES MEN DO NOT On some accesione male can be born with chromosomes, and female con be born with comes. This is however, extremely RARE and does not make the female a man, or the man a female. The man will still have full funtional testicles and penis. The female will still have a fully funtional vagina. Women produce This is what makes women woman. It is responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics. Estrogen is what makes females typically more emotional and compared to men. A man with extra levels of estrogen does not make him a women Men produce TETOSTERONE. This is what makes a man aman Tetosterone is the primary male sex hormone and plays a key role in the development and regulation of the male reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics. Tetosterone helps with muscle development and hair growth. Tetosterone is what makes men for aggresive and 'manly' compared to women There are only TWO SEXES MALE and FEMALE 99.8% of all people identify as the sex they were born with. SEX GENDER (No matter what your feelings claim) Sex and gender are the same thing. There is no difference. A male born with a penis con claim he is a woman, but this is factuall a biologically incorrect (and vice-versa for women) If you were born with a penis: you're a MAN. If you're born with a vagina: you're a WOMAN. BREASTS можен ро мог но C VAGINA SEXUALITY(S) Straight means you are only TRAIGHT attracted to people of your opposite sex. No exceptions: If you are attracted to someone of the same YOUR sex you CANNOT BE STRAIGHT BISEXUAL Bexual means you are attracted to both people of the opposite and some sex No exceptions: if you are not offracted to someone of the same as well as the opposite sex, then you CANNOT BE BISEXUAL HOMOSEXUAL Homosexual means you are only attracted to your ACEVILAL No exceptions: if you are attracted to the opposite sex then you CANNOT BE GAY STOP LYING FEELINGS ARE NOT FACTS Asexual means you are not attracted to anyone regardless of their gender. TO CHILDREN, Asexual people do not engage in any kind of sexual activities, and most real asexuals say they do not feel sexual arousal. Asexual people have been known to be in relationships, but do not engage in sex No exceptions: if you engage in sexual activities of any kind you CANNOT BE ASEXUAL 8:24 PM - 12 May 2018 Being Gengert juid Genderfluid' DOES NOT EXIST. It is a made up term. You cannot be both a man and a woman. If you have a vagina and dress as a man, that does not make you a man. If you have a penis and dress as a girl, that does not make you a girl. Sex isn't a inter- changable outfi Females only ever transition transgender is not to males, and Males only transition to females. MEN CANNOT GIVE BIRTH OR BECOME PREGNANT, OR LACTATE. AFTM giving birth is not a 'man' giving birth because he is biologically a WOMAN CANNOT PRODUCE SPE woman. A MTF winning a 'worlds tallest woman' award shouldn't count because they are biologically a male, thus taller than a female.

Following the aforementioned tweet, on May 13th, 2018, another X / Twitter user @JUNIUS_64 posted a tweet stating the lioness' ability to have manes against the original illustration.

juni eA BLFC SOON @JUNIUS_64 it might interest the author of the "correct gender" lions thing to know that maned lionesses are a relatively common phenomenon, they have elevated testosterone and demonstrate both male and female behaviors, hmm maybe choose a different animal for your TERF propaganda next time 7:46 PM - May 13, 2018

With the increasing exposure to the image, it became a popular subject of Photoshops mocking it and artwork supporting LGBT rights in contrast to the original image.

As the original deviation received an overwhelming amount of comments criticizing it, Cynderthedragon5768 disabled the comment section and made a deviation responding to mistakes and allegations of transphobia on May 14th, 2018 before its deletion.

HEY FUCKWITS Yea, you. If you have the brain compacity to stop flinging your own feces at the screen for a second and you can actually read that be good. -I know their called ovaries assholes I know there are some spelling erroes I used lions because I can't draw people they're not representative of real f------ lions. I didn't include trans people here because real transgender people aren't f------ morons and know biology. This is the last The correct gender and sexuality lions MEN HAVE CHROMOSOMES There are only TWO SEXES MALE and FEMALE SEXUALITY(S) sex. No exceptions. If you are oftracted someone of the some YOUR BISEXUAL do people of the opposite ARE NOT as well as the opposite sex then you CANNOT BE BESEXUAL HO SEXUAL salmon you are only offracted to your ACEVITAL FACTS 99.8% of all people identify as the sex they were born with = SEX GENDER engert jud D is a mode up term. You cannot be both a man and a HEN CANNOT GIVE BIRTH OR BECOME PREGNANT, OR LACTATE Asexual means you are not oftracted to anyone regardless of their gender. TO CHILDREN. AFTM giving birth is not a 'mon giving birth because he is biologically bind CANNOT BE ASEXUAL I'm gonna say on the Cynder der the dragon 5768. matter. If you con- tinue to think this has anything to do with real transgend er people you're a d------. Continu e to fling your own s--- all you want. WOMAN CANNOT PRODUCE The image had nothing, and still has nothing to do with real trans people. This image w as entirely directed at the trans-trender crowds who make real transgender people look like a f------ joke. The "I have 5 genders, I cut my hair, I'm a agender neutries gender sexual gender- woman otherkin" kinda s---. The "put a flower in my hair I'mma girl today” s---. If you have to be told real trans gender people are real you're a f------ moron. This image had nothing to do with them. I made this image entirely an inspired by my real fransgender friends who them, and what they go through every day to be the gender they wanna be, made to look like its just a fashion trend by the tumblr f----. If you wanna believe you're a pillow sexual nongendered otherkin good for you. But like the fact no one is gonna convince me a bearded sky man made people outta dust no one is gonna convince me to use fee fii fo fum as your gender. Stop making real transgender people look like they're trying on a new fashion every day. They're not, gender dysphoria isn't a outfit.

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External References

[1] DeviantArt – Cynderthedragon5768

[2] Tumblr – feebleturtleduck-artz

[3] Twitter – theultrahand

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in reply to No!!

if you've been on the internet long enough you should be aware furry just kind of seeps into everything, facism, communism, primalism, transhumanism, lgbtq, anti-lgbtq, everything goes to furries.

I suppose it kind of comes for free with being THE biggest and broadest group on the internet.


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