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Undertale - (not sure if anyone posted this yet)

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in reply to megasean3000

If not get back together than for fuck's sake at least be on speaking terms with him.

Like GOD Tori, can you really hold it against him for not being up for hextuple-homcide?

Especially given the innumerable ways it could go wrong even IF he gets past the barrier?

I mean fuck, this whole mess started because humans saw your own son carrying Chara's corpse back there peacefully and flipped the fuck out, how do you think big bulky Asgore in full fuckin' armor and Trident's gonna go?

"Howdy humans, I need around five of your recently deceased to break this barrier that your ancestors sealed my people behind when we lost the war against you, even though human determination is so powerful that a LITERAL CHILD could kill us all! I promise I'll give their souls back when I'm done! :D"

And even IF that plan succeeds, what's stopping humanity from just dropping a goddamn nuke on all of you?

Goatmom I love you but fuck, give him a break.


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