- Nine Years Ago, Batman Told Raphael About His Childhood Trauma
- Four Years Ago, A Man Shouted Out One Of His Favorite Genders And Became A Meme
- The 'Wesley Snipes Crying' Meme Appeared In 'New Jack City' 34 Years Ago This Very Day
- The SpongeBob Episode That Gave Us 'Ight, Imma Head Out' Aired On This Date In 2001
- Gets Brainwashed Of Same Thing Comic Has Gotten A Sequel
The rest of the top 100
Uploaded by Rad Dudesman Jun 07, 2016 at 09:27AM EDT
jirachi darkrai lucario diancie hoopa keldeo victini manaphy reshiram kyorge magnemite shaymin yveltal kyurem giratina lugia groudon dialga dedenne archeops zekrom suicune gengar ho-oh xerenas gardevoir celebi piplup palkia garchomp regigigas azelf blaziken landorus glaceon latias jigglypuff deoxys oshawott snorlax articuno absol latios zoroark ditto fennekin dragonite hydreigon sceptile zapdos leafeon salamence flygon espeon moltres goomy pichu infernape raichu metagross froakie cresselia blastiose umbreon emolga arbok milotic lapras swampert meowth beautifly mawile noivern luxray amphraos archen bulbasaur armaldo magikarp chandelure torchic flareon porygon chespin raikou machamp mudkip thundurus
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