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in reply to Koburo

I mean most in-game exclusive content eventually gets released to everybody. Usually pre-order bonuses and the like get released for a small fee usually around the same price as a pre-order.

I think the bigger issue with this MN9 release is that the game isn't even out a month yet so backers can't even enjoy the luxury of having a set of exclusive for a while.

Baluh the Alchemist Horse
Baluh the Alchemist Horse

Don't lit your torches yet, it's just a rumor for now. If it turns out to be true, i'll bring the pitchforks because they never said it was going to be temporary exclusivity. Backers are keeping an eye on it so i can give you updates about this as soon as we get them.

This is all we have so far… Forum mods contacted Comcept and The Mega Man Network asked Deep Silver about this, both gave the same answer: "There are currently no plans to sell the kickstarter backer DLC items for Mighty No. 9".


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