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Platus Moderator

in reply to Nedhitis

Guys should start taking "no homo" as an insult.

Guy A: "I like your new haircut, no homo though."
Guy B: "Really, not even a little homo? Man, way to ruin my afternoon."
A: "Ah bro, I didn't mean it?"
B: "Then why did you say it, man? Why'd you fucking say it?" [runs off crying]


Yep, pretty much true.

Funny, right..? When it comes to sexual security and comfort, most trouble men have are self-imposed. Most girls, by default, actually would not really look at any men weird for doing what is shown on the last 3 panels amongst men (hence why male shipping is as popular or more popular than straight/female shipping), but men themselves make it a "gay" thing regardless, so women just follow along. I guess men's more "competitive" nature has something to do there.

I guess we can archive this reality under "Men Logic", since Women Logic is a thing as well.


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