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Red Bakeneko
Red Bakeneko

Pokemon Sun & Moon Prediction/Theory Time!

The Aether Foundation and Team Skull will have an Order vs Chaos motif.
In a world of chaos, it's pretty much survival of the fittest. Gangs will often form in these situations. Guzma is clearly about that chaos.

The Aether Foundation however, wants order. When you have order, you're much safer from criminals and killers and people like that.

The thing is, neither of them are inherently good or evil. Yes, order is usually seen more as "good" and chaos as "bad". Though, with chaos, can be good as it allows freedom, and order can be bad, as it can lead to a totalitarian government.

Now going off of the theory that Lusamine, Gladion, and Lillie are siblings (and that Lillie isn't UB-01)
Lusamine wants a world of Order. Gladion, being the rebellious teen he is, doesn't like this and decides to join a gang that wants a world of Chaos. Lillie, however, sees the bad of both sides and decides to be neutral.


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