The Nunes Stunt confirmed | Russiagate | Know Your Meme
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32 Views Created 7 years ago By BrentD15 • Updated 6 years ago

Created By BrentD15 • Updated 6 years ago

It is now clear that the scandal was not Rice's normal review of the intelligence reports but the coördinated effort between the Trump Administration and Nunes to sift through classified information and computer logs that recorded Rice's unmasking requests, and then leak a highly misleading characterization of those documents, all in an apparent effort to turn Rice, a longtime target of Republicans, into the face of alleged spying against Trump. It was a series of lies to manufacture a fake scandal. Last week, CNN was the first to report that both Democrats and Republicans who reviewed the Nunes material at the N.S.A. said that the documents provided "no evidence that Obama Administration officials did anything unusual or
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