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in reply to Platus

is a hate site


Its a hate site? I didn't realize that /pol/ comprised the entirety of the site. Most posts on /v/ are about videogames, most posts on /tv/ are about tv and movies.

And, no, he actively works to keep illegal things (Like CP or Doxes) off the site, but he can't prevent them from being posted. If someone on this site decided to dox everyone on CNN, they could. The only things the mods could do would be to remove it and ban the guy when they discover it.

And you're calling him complicit because he made a forum? I guess that means that the creators of NeoGAF are responsible for all the doxing that is done on their site…

No, they aren't. I could post doxxes on a gardening forum. Its not their fault I decided to post it, and they would probably remove it and ban me for it.

HotWheels does exactly that, he removes it and bans the IP of the user.


in reply to Platus


But first off.

Don't start your fucking comment with an unrelated attack on someone. It doesn't help your argument at all, it just makes you look petty.

Cool~ Now, combine your data (post it next time, k~), and the fact that, FROM THE WORD OF THE OWNER, that of the population, very few people actually do illegal things, we can come to a very simple conclusion.

Of all the people on 8chan's 1504 boards, even though /pol/ has one of the largest populations, it is still not the majority of the site, and of the people on /pol/, most of them are just shitposters, not doxxers or other illegal content.

So you're saying that a loud minority should be silenced, and the only way to do so is to ban the entire site.

Sounds like a familiar argument.


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