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Driver: My…what are you all doing? hmmm. ( then the driver chuckled,)
pulls out his Car remote and presses the red alarm button)
random worshipper taps truck*
alarms blaring !
everyone now freaks out*
Conspiracy theorist: IT ALL MAKE SENSE!
Reporter: DiD YoU CaPTuRe DaT!?!?!?
Dock worker notices the commotion, its that time again, welp time for lunch…
The driver sends out his team out in secret* ( A zoroark, Ditto and a Rotom)
Driver: Ok little dude, they want a mew, then they got one, turn into one and cause trouble.
Ditto: Hrm?
Driver: Yes, Zoroark takes on her Goddess form, you then turn back into a Ditto after she "curses" you. this will cause a riot among the group and the real fun begins.
Ditto: Hope it works..
Driver: There worshipping my truck like that one Goose god did to Eustace's truck. They'll believe anything.
Ditto: Ok, off i go!
Zoroark: The Look on their faces when they cant capture her…
Driver: yup, Now sparks, take control of the truck and cause trouble, scare them but no bumping.
Rotom: BZZT got it!


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