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"Video games train you to fight, kill, and waste an enormous amount of time"

I don't know about you guys but this sounds right to me. A day in Dragon Ball FighterZ is equal to one year in the outside world. I spent a couple of hours in there and learned how to chain my auto-combo into my level 3 super. Now I've achieved my golden form and nobody in my karate class can step to me.

/s big sarcasm

Nox Lucis
Nox Lucis

I once saw a place where someone made the claim that dogs are better than cats because dogs are more intelligent and that cats have such short memory that they forget their owners so quickly that they can't form any kind of emotional attachment. They linked a study as evidence, but when following the link the study found that cats are no less intelligent than dogs and debunked the claim about memory finding that a cat's ability to remember and recognize people and form attachments is no different than that of a dog.

Over the years, I've found the degree to which people will find "evidence" by typing some nonsense into Google and linking the first or so thing to be nothing short of astounding. What's that video they like to use? Oh yeah…


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