Hogwarts students were armed to the teeth | Gun Control Debate | Know Your Meme
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445 Views Created 6 years ago By Tysonist • Updated 5 years ago

Created By Tysonist • Updated 5 years ago

Andrew Quackson @AndrewQuackson NR National Review @NRO eplying to @NRO They also had universal healthcare, and tuition was free "It's worth remembering that Hogwarts, as an entity, was armed to the freaking teeth." bit.ly/2uvja9E via @HeatherWilhelm Esha@eshalegal 10m Well. actually.. if you read book 1 the tuition had to be paid. Poor students had a scholarship (book 6) March Tradness 녜節. @k.. . 5m v Hey Esha, you probably think being a huge nerd about a not very good book series with serious racism and antisemitism problems makes you cool, but I can assure you it does not.
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Gun Control Debate


"Imagine if Hogwarts were a "Wand Free Zone"
"I'm waiting for the next book where Hermione shaves her head and marches for wand control 😂😂😂"

Okay, time to nerd out, even if it's "racist", "anti-Semitic" and worst of all "uncool":
JKR stated in July 2015 that Hogwarts is tuition-free, but since she has often plainly contradicted established lore in interviews in recent years, I'd take that with a ton of salt. She wrote in the same comment that the Ministry of Magic covers the cost of all magical education, which is clearly not the case.

As for the books, I don't remember them mentioning that there is a tuition. When Hagrid tells Harry that his parents left him money, he might have been referring to his ability to pay for school supplies. Dumbledore tells young Tom Riddle that there is a fund at Hogwarts for
those who require assistance to buy books and robes, but again no mention of having to pay for the school itself.

So my conclusion is that while you have to pay for the things you wear, read and use, you are not charged for your attendance.

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