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Steven Universe - Rose Quartz is "a really awful person", according to Rebecca Sugar

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Honestly, after this revelation, Bismuth's last words before being poofed are more relevant than ever: "Then you really are better than her". Because, seriously, if there's a proof that Steven is definitely not Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond, is that he is really a much better person than Rose. and the biggest way that shows up is in that Steven is very honest and direct, while Rose/PD basically built a pyramid of lies.


in reply to DatFeelix64

I disagree. We have always had villains in the show, is just that said villains have been always grey and had understandable motivations. Rose fucking up everything still fits this formula. She definitely wasn't evil, she genuinely wanted to protect earth and her friends, and I'm sure she had good intentions overall. She was also immature, had more power than anyone else in earth, and no one to tell her how dumb her plans were (the only one that knew her status in both sides was Pearl, and suuuure Pearl was going to point out anything wrong with her).


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