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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

What's funny is some people called Nioh "Japanese Dark Souls and/or Bloodborne" due to it sharing some similarities with FromSoft's "Soulsborne" style, and how FromSoft is making their own action game with a similar setting and maybe enemies too. Big difference with Ghost of Tsushima though is it doesn't look like it has the supernatural elements of the other two, all the enemies seen so far appear to be human, and it doesn't look like the main character has any supernatural abilities either.

Oh you know what this does remind me of? It reminds me of when Infamous and Prototype came out around the same time and people noted it was interesting we had two open world games with a main character with superpowers, though they were quite different in a few ways like for one Infamous uses a morality system while Prototype you're straight up a villain protagonist.


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