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Naruto - That swing had more screen time than TenTen

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Considering almost every fight he's in he has to go on and on about his backstory and how saaaaaaaad it is, it probably did.

Which didn't even really make sense. The start of the series he's apparently a pariah because of the fox-demon in him. But then when the series actually starts no one likes him just because he's a jackass that's borderline too stupid to be a ninja. Then you get other flashbacks that actually shows him hanging out with the other kids, like when they fought those four sound ninja to save Sasuke.


in reply to Icecane

It started out with parents telling the other kids not to talk to that boy, he's cursed and shit. Then he st arted acting like a jackass for attention and everyone had that as a reason not to hang out with him so the fox thing stopped mattering so much (assuming the kids even know about it, I don't remember exactly what the flashbacks say they were told about him)


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