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in reply to Hubry

I mean, in fairness he did address a lot of issues with tournament related stuff, I think the biggest one being the reliance on CRT's, and while he is venomous about his argument it's because he's clearly very passionate about fighting games, and is probably tired of smash being an overepresented game. I occasionally enjoy watching melee, but you have to admit that the results have become somewhat stagnant and this is because melee is a game that'll basically never update, so you'll generally see the same stuff every evo compared to other fighting games that stay a bit more fresh with their content, differen characters (due to nerfs and buffs+dlc), new mechanics, new people rising to the top, melee is kind of in this limbo right now as far as I can tell. The worst part is that melee players think that if they don't show up to the stream or show up to evo, that'll somehow put such a hurt on evo that they'll be begging for melee to come back, it's just kinda…sad to me, but of course that's a vocal minority. The only people worse than that are those that think running a tournament at the same time as evo will somehow "show evo how it's done" rather than just seeming really petty and pathetic


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