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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

"Her biggest accomplishment doomed to dissipate like a hot fart."

Pretty much, Doug Walker and Brad Jones, plus Guru Larry, despite still being the only remaining Channel Awesome members really weren't hurt that badly from the whole "change the channel" thing as the like to dislike ratio on their videos in the months following the whole thing never got to a point where dislikes overshadows likes, and now the likes are back to what they were pre-CTC, and their viewership and subscribers hasn't really seen any significant decrease (plus they still regularly get sponsorships for their videos). Also worth noting, Doug and Brad are still good friends with James Rolfe so just saying, if you're someone who feels like you have to dislike anything relating to Channel Awesome in the wake of the CTC controversy, you basically have to force yourself to dislike Angry Video Game Nerd because James is still still cool with the remaining members of CA.


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