Seeing that SNL D&D skit was painful so let's post some 🔥 selfies to remind folks that D&D doesn't look like pocket protector clad nerds from the 80s We're out here being nerds now and our brand of socially awkward is frankly much more entertaining (bonu
Uploaded by Matt Apr 09, 2019 at 11:37AM EDT
@nicterhorst snl saturday night live comedy nerd fandom fantasy
Origin Entry: #DnDSelfie
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Resolution: (581px x 663px)
File size: 345 KB
#DnDSelfie - Seeing that SNL D&D skit was painful so let's post some 🔥 selfies to remind folks that D&D doesn't look like pocket protector clad nerds from the 80s We're out here being nerds now and our brand of socially awkward is frankly much more entertaining (bonu
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