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Listen I am not a tinfoil hat dude, but come on, dude is on suicide watch, tries to commit suicide, then he is removed from suicide watch and dies. If you read is statements that is some powerful and important people he was incriminating, and while here all people talk is Trump and the Clintons, if you read those statements he is incriminating European nobility, governors from different arts of the world, even Matt Groening is on there. No way dude was making to the court:


My favorite part about all this is the day before i was watching the news and all they were saying was how the dude was being watched 24/7 and on suicide watch.

then the next day, THE NEXT MORNING, he is dead and they just happened to take him off suicide watch because……..reasons that no one has explained fully.

everyone on earth knows what happened. The only real question is who was the one who did it, US Government, another government, or big business.

no matter who it was……….it was one of the "good guys" that we are supposed to trust.


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