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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

Makes me wish Sanran Kagura stuck more to Nintendo platforms like it originally did (as the whole reason it was made in the first place is the director was like "what would I like to see in 3D on the 3DS? Big anime tiddies of course!") as the publisher's insistence on wanting the games on Sony systems ultimately lead to the lead developer quitting because he didn't like having to put up with Sony's new policies.

Also funny to note is something from the past. When Conker came out on the N64 the only bits of censorship in the game were bleeping out "fuck" and pixelating any scenes with visible genitals, and even during development Chris Seavor (director and voice of Conker) said only some small changes were made at Nintendo's request (a scene making fun of Pokemon got removed, and a scene of Tediz [basically teddy bear nazis] dissecting a still living Squirrel soldier was changed because the Nintendo execs felt it was a step too dark as the scene wasn't playing it up for laughs like the rest of the game), otherwise Nintendo didn't take as much issue with the adult content as you would have expected for the time period. But when the game got remade on Xbox, Microsoft actually forced the devs to censor more content simply because they wanted to make sure stores like Wal-Mart would carry the game, so this meant more words got bleeped (making stuff like the Great Mighty Poo song have bleeps where there wasn't before).


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